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Billie's Pov

I woke up feeling so light today. The sun is already rising and the rays kept hitting on my face. I sat up and realized that Reign is already waken up. Did I sleep too much? I smiled when I remembered what had happened last night but I turned red when I remember the way we slept. I was like a koala damn!

"Oh my god!" I jolted up from the bed while fanning myself. I know it was just nothing and it should stay the same the way it used to be.

Who are you fooling Billie?

I sighed and went towards the bathroom to take a shower. As I was done, I chose to wear a pair of jeans and black long sleeves since it's pretty chill outside. I put a light make up and grabbed my bag and laptop as I headed downstairs.

I noticed that the house is silent and I was curious where did Reign go at this early of hour? I went towards the kitchen hoping to see her and there I can see Reign having her time while drinking her chocolate drink.

"Good Morning." She greeted me with a smile plastered on her cheeks. I walked closer to her and also smiled.

"Good morning." I said and sat down across her.

"Here, try to have some." Reign offered me a plate full of cookies.

"Did you made these?" I asked her but she just smiled at me and left me in the dining table. I didn't mind asking her again and ate the cookies that she offered. A smile flashed again on my face because I got the answer.


We're currently heading our way towards Maverick's newly build hotel. As I stepped foot outside the van, the staffs greeted me immediately and I did the same. They led me inside while Reign following me from behind. We entered an specific room where the reception hall will be in placed and there I can see the engineer whose been assign in this project.

"Mr. Yoon." I greeted him and he turned to looked at me.

"Miss O'Connell." He said while smiling at me.

"How are you? How's the building?" I asked and he gave me the folders about the information reports in this month.

"I'm fine and this hotel is going so well."

"That's good." I said but he seems looking for someone.

"Uhmn. Where's Maverick?" He asked

"Oh, he will arrive after 2 days because he's been busy. By the way this is Reign Harris. Our newest photographer whose been in charge in these upcoming events for the hotel and Maverick's parents anniversary next month." I introduced Reign to Mr. Yoon and they both shake their hands.

"Hi, nice to meet you." Reign greeted him with a wild grinned on her face. Mr. Yoon seems to like her already.

"Hi. Nice to meet you too." Mr. Yoon answered as he smiled back at Reign.

They both let go of their hands and I can feel Reign's gazed was on me. I called one of my staff and told her to guide Reign around the place so she can be familiarized. I don't know but I think I should try to get distance to her again.

"Is that okay with you?" I asked her and she just nodded her head. Reign left together with one of my staff and they started the tour around the building. Mr. Yoon and I continue to talk about random things that we needed to know about the project. I can't let Maverick down this time. I don't want to make him disappointed in me.

After having that long business meeting, I felt so tired that's why I decided to go upstairs. Since the hotel is almost finish, I can use one of the rooms in here. I was enjoying my tea when Maverick called me.

Let Me Let You Go // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now