Chapter 4 - Honeymoon Hotel

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"There she paused for a while thinking...but the temptation was so great that she could not conquer it."

A window breaks and a woman runs across a bridge as she suffers from horrifying visions. She is accidently hit by a car, and the man gets out worried about her and approaches her. Another man suddenly appears and verifies she's breathing and tells the driver to call 911. He goes back to his car and dials the number, the unknown man kills her and leaves unnoticed. Arriving at the scene detectives Nick Burkhardt and Hank Griffin and observe the woman after CSI has finished. Noticing no injuries to her feet but has glass cuts on her arm. 

A reaper arrives in Portland and checks into a small hotel. Receiving a call on his phone where he tells the person on the other end "I'll call when it's finished". Looking at a newspaper about the death of Hulda and picks up a scythe and woges into a Hässlich. 

Meanwhile both detectives talk with Dr. Harper, the medical examiner, who explains the victim was murdered by asphyxiation which means suffocation. Using fingerprint, Hank identifies her as Fleur Carmona. Interviewing with Fleur's husband, Roy Carmona, who has a record of spouse abuse. Admitting to arguing with Fleur but denies any wrongdoing. Saying he was upset when he returned home hungry and Fleur was on the computer and won't get off because of her "322 friends". He claims she left home and he waited for her to return as she always does. 104 Capra Morphs Garden.

After conferring with Captain Renard, Nick and Hank check Fleur's page on a social networking site and find a picture taken in the garden of the Bramble Haus, a bed and breakfast. They check with the owner and operator, Billy Capra, just as a young man and woman are checking out. Capra says he showed a room to Fleur but that she did not stay. The detectives visit the garden where Hank inadvertently steps on and kills a toad. Capra says the toad is an endangered species and picks up the remains. Nick sees Capra woge into a creature form he does not recognize. As the detectives leave the garden, Capra eats the toad.

The reaper arrives at the police station and asks to talk with the detective who shot his friend. Sergeant Wu relays the info to Captain Sean Renard where he asks about the reaper's personal information and that someone will get back with him. Entering the squad room, Hank and Nick pass the reaper.

Heading to Marie's trailer, Nick reads about Ziegevolk, then heads to Monroe's to gather information. Monroe explains that Ziegevolk produce pheromone in their sweat that makes women fall for them. 

Back at the prescient, Nick tells Hank that the glass pieces from Fleur's cuts are regular window glass, so she must've broken a window before she died. Researching further they find three other women from outside of Portland have disappeared as well since Capra arrived and bought the Bramble Haus. Similar situations have occurred in three other cities in the U.S. They brief Captain Renard together about the 17 women found in the cases, 14 ended up pregnant and the DNA showed all had the same father.

Meanwhile back at Bramble Haus, Billy Capra feeds three women in cages in the basement of his inn. 

Walking out of the inn, Hank places a tracking device underneath Billy's car. They are shocked when he leaves in another vehicle, Hank searches the premises of the inn, while Nick follows Billy on foot and watches as he eats a toad before entering the bar. Hank meanwhile finds broken glass and uses that as an excuse to enter the building. Nick calls Monroe for help and offers to buy drinks if he watches Billy. Monroe agrees noting that a Ziegevolk that eats toads is considered a breeder, and their pheromones are so powerful that even men can fall for them.

Meanwhile the reaper returns to the hotel room and finds Captain Renard waiting. Renard reminds him that he never should've come to his city without permission and should kneel before him. Denying the reaper vengeance  for Hulda's death and uses his own scythe to cut off the reapers outer ear. Then says get out of my city and never return. 

Meanwhile Hank, inside the bed and breakfast hears a noise and goes into the basement finding a hidden room. Inside the room he finds three women in cages, but passes out from the gas that Capra installed to prevent escape. He's unable to answer when Nick calls to warn him that Capra is coming back.

Billy Capra returns to the inn and turns the gas off in the basement. Heading upstairs and asks her to come with him. Outside, Nick tells Lisa that she walked into a police investigation and requests her to leave the premises. Nick requests a tracking on Hank's phone and learns that it's inside the inn. Nick, dialing Hank's phone follows the sound to the basement. Seeing Hank, he rushes in to help him when Billy, who was upstairs packing shuts and locks the door turning the gas back on. He flees to his car with Lisa and drives off.

Nick and Hank escape, despite the lifelike visual hallucinations Hank's experiencing, rescuing the women while Billy escapes. Hank and Nick walk over to the car and Hank pulls up his laptop checking for the tracking device planted on the car. It works and they track him to a park. Arriving they spot Billy and Lisa and call out to Billy to halt. He woges into a Ziegevolk and makes a break for it, before being hit by a bus where he is found alive, but injured. Nick asks how Billy is going to like being caged up the rest of his life, as a Female Paramedic who puts an oxygen mask on Billy, starts showing signs of response to Billy's pheromones.  

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