Chapter 6 - The Little Piggy Strikes Back

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"Little pig, little pig, let me come in" said the wolf to the pig. "Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin" said the pig to the wolf.

A hulk like figure stands in his home with his house a mess. The man, Hap Lasser, is watching an exercise video on the TV, lifting a shake weight in quick bursts. Losing his grip, the weight flies through the window. Sighing, he walks outside and picks up the Shake Weight. As he bends down to pick it up, his home explodes behind him as he just stares with disbelief at his burning home. As dawn breaks, a bomb squad, Fire and Rescue, and the police arrive.

Nick and Hank walk up to Hap, who's staring at what's left of his home as he picks up pieces of his broken life. He makes it clear he wasn't involved in any shady activities that would cause his house to explode. Getting emotional, Hap woges into a Blutbad not realizing Nick's a Grimm. Hap goes on to explain how his brother died in a similar house fire last month, not worrying about a connection between the two fires. Nick and Hank aren't convinced since it's strange to be a coincidence.

Nick and Hank question Hap more at the station, as Monroe makes  a surprise visit. Apparently he is Hap's emergency contact, and has agreed to take Hap in during his time of need. Hap excitedly hugs Monroe who's uncomfortably trying to resist. Nick asks Monroe to keep an eye on Hap for a couple of days to make sure he stays out of trouble. 

Hap's home, now abandoned as an unknown roar of a motorcycle approaches. A female helmeted rider approaches the wreckage, sniffing until she picks up a scent. Finally, the rider hones in on a plume of vapor around a burst and twisted propane line. The frustrated rider gives a creature-like growl and tears off on her motorcycle. Nick and Hank go over the arson case files with the arson investigator, Lt. Orson. The lieutenant explains that despite the fact that these "accidents" look like foul play, it seems to be a true coincidence; both fires can be explained by electrical issues. Despite the evidence, Nick refuses to believe that this was by chance, and he suspects that maybe the beneficiaries were responsible.

Back at Monroe's, Hap is getting settled in as a guest which is affecting Monroe's organized way of life. Nick pulls up and shuts the car off, when his car window suddenly shatters and a ferocious female Blutbad attacks him ruthlessly. Realizing that Nick's a Grimm, she stops immediately, unnerved for a moment. Rushing out of the house, Hap screams stop and Nick finds out that she's Hap's sister, and Monroe's ex-girlfriend, Angelina. She asks Monroe how he's friends with a Grimm after what he's done to their ancestors, and the fact he's a Grimm and a cop. She believes her behavior was warranted since she was protecting both her brother and Monroe. Nick grows suspicious of her after finding out that she is the sole beneficiary if both Rolf and Hap die. Monroe convinces Nick that she would never hurt her brothers. 

Angelina and Monroe are running through the park carefree, and he tackles her to the ground. Both woge into their Blutbad forms and make love. They wake up in the forest, and Monroe is shocked seeing bloodstains on his hands and mouth with the remains of a rabbit close by he settles. Meanwhile, Hap is awakened by someone knocking on the door claiming to be rib delivery. Opening the door, Hap is met with sounds of multiple bullets from a silenced pistol in the chest. With dying eyes, he looks at the silhouette of a fearsome pig creature before being shot in the head. When Monroe and Angelina arrive back home , the police are already there, and their late arrival makes the cops suspicious. Thinking they were the killers, they are brought in for questioning. 

Hank questions Angelina, and comments on the blood on her shirt. Throwing it at him angrily "test it" is all she says. As Monroe and Angelina leave the station, she voices her frustration on being friends with cops, who are trying to pin Hap's murder on her.

After investigating further, Nick and Hank start believing that Lt. Orson might be a serious suspect, considering that his profile has him and his two brothers in Eugene were murdered two years ago, and believe Angelina was responsible. In theory, Lt. Orson killed her family as payback, and as an arson expert, he knows better than anyone how to make an explosion look like an accident. Taking their theory to the captain, he tells them both to "make sure it's solid evidence before throwing around accusations. Talking to the lieutenant, letting him know they are getting a second opinion on the files. Nervous, the lieutenant woges into a pig creature, or Bauerschwein. Nick calls him out as a Bauerschwein, revealing he's a Grimm. Orson tells him he has nothing against him and would hate to stir up trouble now.

Showing up at Monroe's, Nick searches for Angelina. Monroe claims that Angelina stopped by earlier looking for Monroe's help in tracking down the pig that killed her brothers, but he refused to take part. Telling Nick the same thing he told her, "I'm staying out of it. Because the Blutbad-Bauerschwein Feud goes back centuries, they get blamed for every Bauerschwein death". Angelina arrives at the precinct in a sundress to track down Lt. Orson's office and sifts through files, looking for his home address and is interrupted by an officer. Angelina attacks the officer with her Blutbad strength and takes off on her bike. After hearing about the attack when he arrives at the station, Nick rushes to Lt. Orson's home, worried that Angelina may beat him there.

Nick arrives at the Lieutenant's house to find him relaxing in a mud bath, as Orson explains that it's a comforting activity for Bauerschwein. He tries to reason with Nick, making the argument that they're actually on the same side. Stating that Angelina is a monster, Rolf the same, and that all Blutbaden are animals, and Angelina is the one they should be after. Nick asks if Hap was an animal, knowing Orson doesn't have a comeback for that. Orson instead tells him that the only reason Angelina murdered his hard-working brothers was that it "was something to do on a Saturday night." Nick tells Orson that regardless of her actions, he still killed two people and is under arrest. Before they can argue further, Angelina arrives on the scene, wrestling Orson onto the couch. Both are woged, and a vicious fight ensues. Nick in quite a predicament, unsure of whom to shoot, is presented with an opportunity to hit Angelina's lower back and he takes it, remembering reading about Blutbadens' vulnerability relating to a nerve cluster in the lower spine from the Grimm diaries. When Angelina recovers and goes after Nick, Orson picks up his gun and shoots Angelina. Orson makes a move to fire again but is stopped when Nick knocks the gun out of his hand. Nick turns back to Angelina, but she has already run off into the night, leaving only a blood trail.

 As the other officers arrive at Orson's home, Orson gets taken away by paramedics telling he tells Nick that sometimes being a cop gets in the way of what you have to do. At home, Monroe goes through pictures of himself with Angelina and Hap on his computer, reminiscing. Receiving a call from Nick who updates him on Orson being arrested and that Angelina was shot. Believing that Monroe can help find her, Monroe argues telling him to not push it and hangs up. Upon hearing a noise outside, he goes to investigate and finds the framed Lasser sibling photo near the front door. As he looks out into the night, he hears Angelina howling in the distance.

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