Chapter 9 - Mice vs. Snakes

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"I am impelled not to squeak like a grateful and frightened mouse, but to roar..."

Entering a parking garage, an angry man starts yelling at someone. Chasing the person across the garage, only to be killed a few seconds later to a screwdriver driven into his throat. The dead mans face changes back into an older man. A hooded figure drags the old man's body to a dumpster, which is later emptied by a collection truck. Later Nick and his partner arrive at the site where the body was found in the dumpster. Learning the victim's identity as Lenny Watts and that his address was on the truck's route, the detectives go to investigate. Finding blood in the dumpster with drag marks with blood on the sidewalk, they question the building manager. The manager tells them about an argument that happened the day before between Lenny and Mason, and asks if Natalie was hurt, who was Lenny's live-in. Requesting to check Lenny's apartment, they find it in chaos, suggesting that Natalie left in a hurry.

Putting an APB out on her, they get a hit at a motel room and head there to question her. She claims that Lenny was drinking when they got into an argument in which he hit her. Telling him she was leaving and went to pack her things, resulting in Lenny exploding and almost killing her if Marty, another tenant hadn't shown up to see if everything was ok. Lenny starts yelling at Marty, when another tenant, Mason Hall showed up. Marty left, and Lenny and Mason's argument started. She had Mason escort her to her car after she got her stuff. Natalie is shocked to find out Lenny was murdered.

Heading to the junk shop that Marty owns to hear his take on the argument. His account almost identical to Natalie's, claims his dad can verify that he returned to the apartment. During the interview, Nick watches Marty woge into a mouse-like creature. Visiting Mason Hall at his law office, when Mason gets into an argument on the phone, woging into a snake-like creature. 

Nick pays Monroe a visit, and learns more about the snake and mouse creatures. Monroe explains that Mauzhertz are very meek and afraid, and one rarely meets a Lausenschlange and lives to tell. He answers his phone about repairing an old clock tower the next day at 12:30 and excuses himself.

Juliette arrives home to a woman in a pick-up truck  taking photos of the house. Quickly jotting down the license plate of the truck to tell Nick. He learns it's registered to John Oblinger.

Later unknown man is upset with the owner of a repair shop he is at because of the outcome of his car's repair job. The owner, Andy yells "Take me to court then!" The shop owner woges into the same creature as the old man at the parking garage. The unknown person kills him, dumping the body into a dumpster, like his last victim. Nick and Hank are called to investigate, seeing as the body was found the next morning. Felling that the two cases are similar, they look into the shop owner's recent customers, discovering one is Marty.

Monroe arrives to fix a clock tower around noon. Discovering no-one is there before looking up, noticing someone on a balcony, before being attacked. Before getting knocked out, he realizes that he's being attacked by other Wesen.

Juliette pulls up to the address the pickup is registered at. Seeing a woman, who rushes two children into the house upon noticing Juliette.

Marty meets Natalie as she's moving the rest of her belongings. She tells Marty she needs to leave town and start over. Mason walks out with boxes of Natalie's belongings, and Marty leaves. Looking into Mason's car, Marty is grabbed by Mason who declares that Natalie is his as well as Marty. With his arm around Marty's neck, choking him when the attack is interrupted when a couple enters the parking garage. Marty escapes, jumping into his car and speeding away. 

After Marty's dinner date with Natalie which ends with Marty punching a kids father in the face, before Natalie dragged him out. Leaving Marty sees every man in the restaurant as his father. 

Speeding off with a frightened Natalie in his car, the police start chasing Marty, before losing him as he heads to his shop. After arriving at the shop, Marty drags Natalie inside where Nick and Hank find him holding her hostage. After getting Natalie to safety, Nick tells Marty his father is dead. Delusional, Marty tells Nick he sees his father everywhere, no matter how many times he kills him leading to Marty's arrest. 

Juliette tells Nick about "investigating the woman".

Nick visits an injured Monroe, who found a reaper symbol on his car after being beat up. Explaining that the Reapers attacked him because he was helping a Grimm. Nick immediately tells him that he will no longer come to him for help, if this is what will happen to him. Objecting, Monroe vows to stick with Nick and advises Nick to be ready for future attacks that may come. 

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