Chapter 21 - Bigfoot is Real?

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"He stripped off his skin and tossed it into the fire and he was in human form again."

A group of self-proclaimed cryptozoologists, Michael Patterson, John Copper, and Taylor Earnhardt, are looking for Bigfoot in the woods. Michael and John are each using a video camera to record everything they find. Michael and Taylor spot a fresh kill and broken branches, telltale signs of Bigfoot, according to them. John starts making a Bigfoot call he learned from the Internet, and the group hears a distant roar. Sounds of footsteps getting closer and they suddenly get attacked. A video camera drops on the ground as Michael gets thrown against a tree.

Thom Carson, a horse owner in the area near the Bigfoot attack, hears a commotion outside. He grabs his gun, and when he sees the figure disturbing the horses, he tells it to "get out of here" and he shoots at it. Going up to the horses and notices one of them was attacked. Calling Juliette, who soon shows up, examines the claw marks and says she will clean up the wounds, give the horse a shot of antibiotics, and take a blood sample. Thom then shows her tracks he found and how the fence has been broken. Discovering some hair on the ground, Juliette picks some up and puts it into a jar to test it. They discover footprints that appear to be big human footprints, as Juliette asks him if he's sure he saw an animal and they see blood on the ground. Thom admits he took a shot, but didn't think he hit anything. The pair then follow the prints into the woods where Thom finds a shoe, and when he reaches over to pick it up, he finds that there is a human foot inside. Just past the foot are the bodies of Michael Patterson and John Copper.

Nick is in the trailer using the piece of the map that the key makes and putting it up against other maps trying to figure out if it matches anywhere. Juliette calls and tells him about the bodies, and he tells her to stay there and not touch anything, and he is on his way.

Nick and Hank arrive to the scene and look at the bodies. Hank thinks the wounds look like they were made by animal and suggests maybe a wolf. Nick says based on the footprints, he thinks whatever did this was human. Wu chimes in that "the answer is obvious. These murders were committed by a barefoot man carrying a wolf." Nick says to get some dogs out there to see if they can track whatever they're looking for. Wu then calls Nick and Hank over because he found one of the video cameras on the ground, but before they can look at the footage, they hear something in the bushes. Taylor walks out of the bushes, crying and scared. She says that Bigfoot is the one who killed Michael and John.

At the precinct, Nick, Hank, and Captain Renard watch the footage on the video camera they found. Hank tells Renard that they identified the two victims as John Copper and Michael Patterson, both 25 years old and self-described cryptozoologists. In the footage, they discover that the figure described as Bigfoot is wearing clothes.

Later that night, Nick and Juliette are sitting in bed talking about the events in the woods. Juliette asks what killed the two men and Nick tells Juliette they have some footage and that the suspect is wearing clothes. Juliette says if it was the same thing that attacked Thom's horse, then it wasn't a man. She rolls over against him, and feels a kick and realizes the baby kicked again. She lays her bead on his chest and smiles as she listens to his heartbeat. 

Monroe is woken in the middle of the night, hearing noises outside, he goes downstairs to investigate. Looking around, he goes to his open windows and smells the area to see if he can get a scent of who or what is around. Suddenly, he hears his door opening, and squats down behind his kitchen wall, woging, and waits for the intruder. He attacks the intruder, only to discover it is his old friend, Larry. Monroe drags Larry to the couch and lays him down. Monroe notices the bullet wound in Larry's leg, asks him how a Wildermann gets shot in the leg and stands up to get supplies to clean the wound. Larry then starts speaking, muttering to Monroe that he "cant get out" and that it's "not working." Monroe isn't sure what he is talking about as Larry passes out. Monroe then realizes that Larry isn't retracting out of his Wildermann form even though he passed out.

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