Chapter 10 - Black Market Organs

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"We shall see the crumbs of bread...and they will show us our way home again."

Deep inside a forest, two teens are running for their lives from two vulture-like creatures called Geiers hot in pursuit. Arriving at a river, one teen, Ben, slips in and floats away. Before his friend Kevin can help, he's grabbed from behind by the Geiers who pulls him back as he screams. Kevin his then dragged into a barn, where he sees a body of a young girl being thrown into the flames at the fire pit. Ben's lifeless body floats down a river and over a waterfall, just after a crow pecks his eyes out.

Having coffee, Nick explains to Monroe that he wants to tell Juliette about being a Grimm. Monroe warns him that nothing good can come from it and that Nick should breakup with her for her safety. Nick refuses, and Monroe admits that Wesen can be seen by human if they want to be seen, because most humans can't comprehend the event. Woging for Juliette could have devastating consequences. A cell phone rings and Nick answers. "Burkhardt", "One my way". Before Nick leaves, he tells Monroe "dead body", and leaves after paying the bill. Nick arrives on scene with his partner Hank Griffin as Sergeant Wu walks up to them describing the victim. "Strikingly pale, eyes replaced by blood-circled sockets, and two puncture wounds on his neck".  Making the detectives believe the body was drained of blood. According to Dr. Harper, the boy died from drowning, but probably died to to loss of blood making him weaker. It's classified as a homicide.

Gathering Ben's identity and tracking down his PO box. In the post office, they discover a kid with a similar necklace, leading them to two young teens. The street kids, Gracie and Hanson knew Ben well, he got to work at a ranch awhile back and they haven't seen him since. Their last encounter was at a local free medical clinic. Nick and Hank head over to follow up, but no clues are found in the medical record.

Nick and Hank are called to a particularly unusual car crash. The contents of the SUV are scattered, human blood, livers and hearts. As the driver is pulled from the car and dies on the gurney, Nick sees him transform into a Geier. Later, Nick and Hank test the blood and organs and find that the blood from the vehicle matches that of Steven. However, the organs don't,  they appear to belong to a number of different people. It looks like somebody has been harvesting human organs... and not from a hospital. Additionally, the organs are young and healthy, leading Nick and Hank to believe that street kids are the main target.

Later, after studying up on Aunt Marie's books, Monroe confirms Nick's suspicions that Geiers are his primary suspect. These creatures harvest human parts for Wesen enhancements. Apparently, humans organs are the equivalent of exotic animals to Wesen, but unlike human exotic ingredients, like rhino horn, being worthless idiocy, humans organs do actually work for Wesen. Nick persuades Monroe to go to one of these shops for human organs and bring proof. Monroe buys Nick "Gallenblase," which is ground up human gallbladder. After laboratory confirmation, Nick goes back and confronts the store owner, threatening him until he gives up his contact on who's delivering the goods. Nick orders him to stop selling human organs and destroys the ones he has in stock.

The phone number of the organ dealer leads the police right to the source, where countless human organs are found drying in a greenhouse-like contraption. The police take down the only man at the location and find that he's received a number of phone calls from a free medical clinic - the same clinic that the street kids frequently visit. After entering the clinic, Nick threatens the only nurse left to give up the location where they're operating on the children.

Gracie and Hanson are snatched off the street by the office manager from the clinic and thrown into a white van. Hanson discreetly leaves a trail of pukka shells as they're led to the cabin in the woods and prepped for surgery. The same female doctor from the clinic performs organ-harvesting surgery on an innocent victim as Gracie, Hanson and the previously missing Kevin await their fate. Nick, Hank, and Captain Renard lead a SWAT team to a woodland facility where the organ removal is taking place. The police arrive at the organ removal site and notice the trail Hansen left. A gunfight ensues and Nick chases the head surgeon outside. Attacking Nick from the trees, she falls into the giant fire pit formed outside. All of the kids are rescued from the site.

Arriving back at the precinct, Renard sees he has received a package from the Reapers. It appears to be the ear of the reaper he previously severed. He's called on his cell phone by a representative of the Reapers whom he doesn't know. The man compares a Grimm uncontrolled to a samurai without a master and says things have gotten "out of balance." He tells Renard he has to get control of Nick or "get rid of him", if not they will. Renard reminds him that this Grimm has a badge and a conscience. In a show of his confidence, he also suggests that if the reapers are so concerned they should come to take care of the problem themselves. The representative replies, saying if things don't change, the reapers will come to Portland themselves.

Later that night, Nick is awoken to the sound of someone throwing up. He turns the lamp on and sees Juliette missing. Following the sound, he arrives at the bathroom and sees Juliette hunched over the toilet. Kneeling next to her, he rubs soothing circles on her back before noticing something on the sink. Reaching up he grabs the item and examines it, Juliette speaks up. "Nick". Her voice is so quiet he barely hears her. "Yeah, I'm here what's wrong"? Her voice still soft, she tells him "I'm pregnant". 

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