Chapter 22 - Mom is Alive?

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"It shall not be death, but a sleep of a hundred years, into which the princess shall fall."

Hank Griffin wakes up in the middle of the night, haunted by nightmares of encountering the creature in the woods. 

The next day, Nick and Monroe meet for coffee and Nick explains how he's worried that despite his stoic exterior, Hank is bothered by his encounter in the woods. Monroe having seen this kind of reaction before, warns Nick that most people can't process the knowledge. Nick explains that Hank also got a good look at Brinkerhoff as he woged back to human form, and Monroe suggests that Hank might be able to handle it better because he's a cop. Leaving the shop, a private investigator, Nathaniel Adams takes surveillance photos of them. Returning to his hotel room, adding the photos to his collection, he calls Akira Kimura, his employer, telling him that he's found Marquesa, one of the three thieves who came to Portland looking for the three gold coins.

At the station, Nick receives an Interpol file on Kimura and is studying it when a tired-looking Hank walks in. Nick explains that Kimura beat a coin dealer in Hamburg, the same dealer that sold the three coins to Sam Baxter in Portland. Kimura has a tattoo of a Viking sigil on the left side of his head, rumored to give the wearer invincibility, as the file notes that Kimura was last seen in Lisbon fourteen months ago. Nick tells Hank that he is not only involved with the killers from the spice shop robbery, but is also a suspect in his own parent's murder.

Akira Kimura shows up at Adams' hotel room to look into what happened to his former associates. Adams explains how the police found three gold coins within the stomach of a victim, but that they were gone when the body arrived at the morgue. Showing him pictures of Nick, Hank, Monroe, and Renard, but he seems pretty sure that Renard holds the coins. Asking to be cut into the deal, but instead Kimura murders him, saying that he no longer requires his assistance and takes the evidence. A mysterious woman in black is spying on him from the shadows, and isn't surprised to find Adams dead, figuring he found something that wasn't good for him.

Adalind Schade is at a new apartment, mixing a potion. She feeds it to a stray Siamese cat she's captured, using a saucer of milk. Showing up at Juliette Silverton's veterinary clinic with the stray, claiming it's her pet named "Majeure", whom she says has been acting sluggishly and seems sick. Mentioning that she and Hank have broken up and Nick doesn't seem to like her, asks Juliette not to mention this to Nick. Juliette says the cat seems okay but that she would rather keep it overnight to be sure. During the examination, the cat scratches her hand and eyes soon change entirely to all black, and its tongue turns fluorescent yellow.

Nick and Hank are called to the hotel to investigate Adams' murder. Upon arrival Wu gives them the background on Adams that they have. Someone ripped out his throat, and Nick confirms that someone else entered the room, rolled the body over after Adams died. Finding the rental keys for Adams' car they confirm that he had cameras in his trunk.

Nick and Hank head back to the station and download the photos from Adams' cameras. They're surprised to discover that Adams was taking pictures of them, Monroe, and Renard, and Nick calls the captain to warn him while Hank organizes security details for his house, as well as Nick's and Renard's.

Kimura attacks Captain Renard in his home after ransacking it and murdering his housekeeper, Patty. Knocking Renard unconscious and then proceeds to interrogate him at knife point. He doesn't seem to believe Renard when he's told that the coins were taken from him by Farley Kolt. The interrogation is interrupted when Sergeant Wu and another officer arrive at the door to check on Renard.

Kimura escapes after attacking one of the officers, but Hank and Nick easily identify him from Renard's description. Wu is able to track him to the Palms Motor Hotel, where the manager at the desk says that Kimura checked in that morning, paying cash for three days. As Wu and another officer approach his room, they find the woman in black leaving. After a brief fight displaying impressive strength and agility, she jumps off the first floor balcony onto a patrol car, and escapes.

Nick talks to Monroe, telling him that Kimura has pictures of both of them and that he may need help bringing him down. Wanting to catch this dangerous killer himself rather than kill or arrest him so that he can interrogate him "Grimm-style". In the trailer, Monroe helps Nick look through books and prepares a Doppelarmbrust dart containing a sedative called Schlaftrunk, strong enough to incapacitate the Schakal.

Nick goes home and sees Juliette, who says she is not in the mood to cook and has made reservations for dinner. (Actually a set of reservations in each of their names, so they could choose to be late if they like.) Noticing the bandage on her hand Nick asks how it happened. She admits that she was scratched by a cat owned by Adalind, freaking out he insists that she go to the hospital. After getting into an argument, and Juliette insists that Nick explain what his problem with Adalind is. Claiming she's is a witch, and Juliette doesn't buy it. Nick finally decides to tell her the whole truth and takes her to the trailer in order to do so. Since she doesn't believe him she walks out of the trailer as Nick excitedly is explaining the Wesen and Grimm world. Catching up to her outside in the rain where she says he needs to talk to someone about this, but that someone is not her. Before going home, Nick asks that she come with him to one more place and give him one last chance, to stop by Monroe's home.

Monroe, taken by surprise, initially doesn't want to confirm anything. Upon seeing the scratch and hearing that it was Adalind's cat that did it, he agrees to cooperate. Telling Juliette to prepare herself, turns around, and changes. While he is facing the other way, Juliette faints before she sees him transform, and they rush her to the hospital.

The doctors are not sure what is wrong. An E.R. doctor states that cat scratches are not usually dangerous, so there could be something else going on with her. He advises Nick to go home as it will take quite a while to run some tests and tells him that he will be called if they know anything. As Nick and Monroe leave, Monroe tells Nick that the doctors will probably not be able to help Juliette and that they will need to find Adalind's cat. They find the cat in Juliette's veterinarian office and take it to Rosalee Calvert's Spice Shop. She says her and Monroe will try to figure out what is wrong by running their own tests on the cat. Nick being impatient asks if they can possibly speed up the process, and they agree as he leaves.

Monroe turns to Rosalee and tells her that Nick's stressed with everything going on and they quickly start testing the cat. They discover the problem and whip up two quick antidotes, one is for the cat and the other for Juliette if the cat is cured. Discovering the cured cat, Rosalee asks to call Nick, but Monroe tells her there isn't much time and together head to the hospital. The arrive and enter Juliette's room and see her awake, she recognizes Monroe immediately and is happy to see him. Rosalee introduces herself as a friend of Monroe and Nick's. Juliette asks who Nick is and they tell her that she needs to drink the potion, that's disguised as a smoothie. She does so and her memory returns immediately, she looks at the both asking what happened and where Nick's at. Both look at the other having absolutely no idea where Nick is.

 Nick stops by Adalind's home to find her gone and everything missing, except for the bowl of half-drank milk she gave her cat.

Nick returns home to find it ransacked, and hears Kimura walking downstairs. Failing to shoot him successfully with the Doppelarmbrust, the two engage in hand to hand combat. Kimura gains the initial advantage, but Nick manages to subdue him, fueled by his anger over the murder of his parents. Suddenly, the mysterious woman in black shows up, dodging Nick's attacks, kicking him away, and then quickly finishes Kimura off and knocks him out temporarily by injecting him in the chest with a drug. Nick pointing his gun at her, but lowers it when she calls him "Nicky", and is shocked to recognize her as his "dead" mother.

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