Chapter 11 - Spinnetod

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"Instantly, the priestess changed into a monstrous goblin-spider and the warrior found himself caught fast in her web."

At a trendy art gallery opening, Rick, a well-dressed and attractive man, notices a mysterious brunette woman in a black hat. Woging briefly into a Fuchsbau he approaches her, ready to charm her. With a quick tongue, she plays against his advances, leaving the gallery with him wanting more. He follows the woman, Lena, outside and manages to talk her into going to his apartment with him. As she attempts to leave, Rick attacks her, throwing her on the couch. Turning the tables Lena pins him down, woging into a terrifying spider creature. Trying to fight back, Rick manages to bite off a finger but can't stop Lena's spider-form. She throws up a milky liquid forcing Rick to swallow it. Leaving the apartment, hair a mess, face smeared with blood, and missing a finger, Lena is horrified by what she's done. 

*Flashback scene*

*At Nick's house Juliette just dropped big news to Nick, "I'm pregnant". Nick frozen in shock, eyes wide, tries to comprehend what he was just told. "You're pregnant?" "Yes, I'm pregnant Nick". He picks her up and spins her around smiling. 

Both Nick and Juliette are home talking about whether it's going to be a boy or girl, and baby names when their home is egged. Running outside he finds two boys, one woges into an Eisbiber and they take off on foot. The next morning Nick discusses his exposure to the creatures with Monroe, who reminds him that Grimms are a curiosity to many members of the Wesen community. Since most Wesen tell their kids about Grimms to scare them saying, "Be good or a Grimm will come and cut your head off". Monroe asks about Nick's progress in revealing him being a Grimm to Juliette. Admitting that he hasn't told her anything yet, Monroe responds that Grimms must not be brave after all. He also tells Monroe that Juliette is pregnant, to which Monroe congratulates him as Nick's cell rings, he answers and pays his bill telling Monroe it's work.

Arriving at their latest crime scene finding Rick's dead body completely desiccated. Nick and Hank are stumped since this kind of deterioration doesn't happen overnight, but his girlfriend talked to him on the phone the night before, as does video surveillance  from the gallery further confirming he was alive. Nick and Hank notice him talk to a woman in a black hat, but the question becomes... did they maybe meet up later after the event ended? Nick finds Lena's finger which twitches while he holds it, freaking him out causing him to drop it. Hank chuckles and pick it up instead. 

Later, Harper examines the dead body and explains her discovery to both Nick and Hank. The body was forced to ingest a highly corrosive acid, killing the victim from the inside out. The acid, suspiciously enough is found in spider venom. Then, the victim's organs were sucked out by some mechanism leaving a bit mark, literally sucking him dry.

Lena enters an upscale bar, this time, as a blonde. She sets her sights on a nicely dressed man dining alone and goes in for the kill. Later in a dark hotel room, Lena attacks the man the same way she did Ryan, forcing him to ingest the corrosive white acid as she woges into a terrifying spider creature.

After getting an address linked to the car that was stalking his house, he knocks on the door. John Oblinger, an Eisbiber and also Bud's friend, answers the door and spills his beer. Nick casually states that "if you can't hold your liquor, then you shouldn't be drinking". Nick corners both John and Bud in the kitchen demanding they and anyone else they told visits his house again. Nick is also deliberately scaring the Eisbibers, and does nothing to relieve their fear until the end. He tells tell he's not going to kill them, unless he feels that both he and Juliette are threatened. The terrified Eisbibers agree quickly to whatever Nick says. 

As the second victim is discovered, a fingerprint match is discovered at the scene. The prints end up being linked to similar killings of three victims in a different state five years before, and another five years before that. Seeing a pattern, only two have been killed so far. Realizing they don't have much time left before the third and final body is found. Meanwhile, Lena removes her wig and makeup, greeting her husband at her daughter's soccer game.

Later, after the game is over Lena gives her husband the gold Rolex watch she took from Ryan's dead body as a gift. Sharing a passionate kiss despite her horrible nature, their love seems true and genuine. 

After research in the trailer, Nick discovers a spider creature matching their suspect. Going to Monroe with his suspicion, he finds out that they are called Spinnetods and are the Black Widows of the Wesen world. Not knowing much, he remembers a contact who could help Nick out. They visit Charlotte, a Wieder Spinnetod who's a resident of a Klosterhaus or a retirement home for Wesen. Nick finds out she turned her back on what she was years ago, she tells him she's 26 years old but appears 70 since her body is rapidly aging. The only way to stop the curse is to kill and suck the life out of young men. It must be done every five years, three victims at a time. She estimates the perpetrator must be around 28-32 years old. 

Lena's young daughter, who is entranced by the watch, take it to school, showing it off to her classmates. The principal reports her having the watch, the tracking number leads the police back to Lena. Nick goes to question her, and notices her bandaged finger and is sure he has the right person. Unraveling the bandage, she shows her finger there, intact.

Taking Lena's prints from the house and he finds they match that of the severed finger from the original crime scene. Not understanding how it's possible but, they have enough evidence to take her into custody. Arriving at her house, they realize they're too late, and she's already left to claim her third kill. Tracking her to the marina, where she is currently seducing a young man on his boat. They intercept the young man and find Lena, who viciously starts to attack Nick, trying to make him her next victim. Fighting her off, he manages to trap her in a  net, ironically leaving her in a tangled web. Later, Nick and Hank go to escort Lena's confused and worried daughter. Seeing her woge in the rearview mirror into a young Spinnetod, he's fearful that the cycle will continue. Meanwhile a rapidly aged Lena sits in the holding cell. 

Nick returns home to hear someone throwing up and heads to the bathroom. Finding Juliette there, he does what he did last time and rubs her back soothingly and comforts her. Heading to bed they continue discussing baby names and come to an agreement that if it's a boy it will be Rhett Nicholas Burkhardt, and if it's a girl it'll be Kelly Marie Burkhardt. Holding Juliette close with a smile on his face, he then drifts off to sleep. 

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