Chapter 8 - The Ogre

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"Fee fi fo fum... I smell the blood of an Englishman..."

Judge Leo Paine is working at his house at night when an unidentified man breaks in, setting of an alarm, and viciously kills him. Sergeant Wu responds and finds Paine's body. Detectives Nick Burkhardt and Hank Griffin arrive soon after. When Captain Sean Renard arrives, the crime scene investigator calls out that they recovered a fingerprint from the gavel used in the murder. 

In the precinct, Hank is talking with Captain Renard when he receives a call pertaining to the fingerprint found on the gavel. Finding out that it belongs to Vince Chilton, Hank, Renard and Nick join the tactical team to Chilton's apartment. The lead officer secures the area, and reports a dead body found in the apartment. The body's identified as Vince Chilton and is missing the right hand. On the stump of the right arm is an old watch and Hank remembers that Nick knows a watchmaker. Going to Monroe's house, they hand him the watch so he can examine it. Upon examination, Monroe finds out that it's glued to stop it at 10:15 on March 11th. Monroe traces it and discovers it belongs to Mary Robinson. Recognizing the name, Hank states that she is a retired assistant district attorney, and admits he's got a bad feeling about the situation. Wu and other officers respond to Robinson's house, finding her dead, her tongue cut out and placed on scales. Upon seeing the body, Hank realizes he knows the killer.

Back at the station, Hank explains to both Captain Renard and Nick that the killer is Oleg Stark, who was convicted of murder involving Jack Lambert, his wife and child. Discussing how Stark escaped from his California prison, is inconsiderate to pain and has very dense bones. Hank explains how each were involved, starting with Judge Paine who presided, Mary Robinson who prosecuted and finally Vince Chilton who was jury foreman. The verdict was handed down at 10:15 on March 11th. Captain Renard immediately put Hank into protective custody and directs Nick to track Stark's movements.

Near where Hank use to live, evidence of Stark is found and both Nick and Renard hurry over. Investigating the area, Stark watches from a distance to see if Hank appears. Nick sensing someone turns to see no one.

Inside Marie's trailer, Nick searches the book for a creature that matches Stark's medical condition. Not finding anything, Nick continues looking around. Looking into the weapons cabinet, finding a case with and a rifle inside with engravings on how to use it.

Arriving home Nick hears a noise outside and chalks it up to raccoons. Upon hearing it again, he cautiously approaches the doors from where the noise came from. When he's close enough, Stark crashes through the window and attacks him. Demanding where Hank is, he morphs into a creature. Realizing that Nick's a Grimm, his anger grows and becomes hell-bent on killing Nick.  Juliette walks in as Stark's about to kill Nick, and is warned to run as Stark chases her. Fleeing to the kitchen with Stark chasing after, she takes a pot of boiling water from the stove and splashes him in the eyes. Not seeing clearly, Stark stumbles out of the house, and Nick shoots at him. 

At the hospital, the doctors inform both Captain Renard and Juliette of Nick's condition, claiming he has  bruised ribs, a dislocated shoulder, and a mild concussion, but no broken bones. Assuring Juliette that Nick will get round the clock protection, along with her. Beginning to realize how dangerous being a Grimm is, and how close Juliette was to getting injured. When she leaves, Nick calls Monroe and explains what happened.

Sergeant Wu informs Hank about Nick, getting angry Hank decides to take matters into his own hands but Wu devises a plan to get Stark using Hank as bait. Realizing Stark attacked Nick to draw Hank out so he decides to bait Stark by visiting Nick at the hospital. 

While Monroe's visiting Nick, Nick describes his attacker to Monroe. Identifying him as a Siegbarste (or an Ogre) and tells him that they're rare, but are the worst of Wesen. Explaining further how he had a childhood friend named Freddy whose father was brutally murdered by one, and that Nick's lucky to be alive. They carry grudges to the grave and are hard to kill unless you have Siegbarste Gift which is a very rare poison. Remembering there was a bottle in the trailer, and a rifle in a case was made to get inside them. Nick asks Monroe to get the poison and rifle for him. 

Monroe gathers the items to fight Stark while Hank visits Nick in the hospital. Explaining the plan to ambush Stark to Nick, but Nick insists the plan won't work. Hank confesses he "misplaced" bogus evidence that if the jury had seen it, Stark would've walked. Knowing it was setup by Stark, both Hank and the assistant DA didn't want to give the jury any reasonable doubt and "lost it" on it's way to court. Hank plans to stop Stark and instead of following the Captain's plans, he was going to lead Stark to a quarry where it all started. Calling Monroe, Nick tells him to give Hank the gun but Hank's already left. Nick tells him to follow and help Hank.

At the quarry, Hank confronts Stark and Monroe seeing it's too late, watches Hank aim a rifle at Stark knowing it won't stop him. Opening the case, Monroe quickly assembles the Siegbarste riffle together. Watching Stark and Hank fight, he sees Stark lift a big piece of concrete above his head, getting ready to smash Hank with it. Monroe shoots and kills Stark, saving Hank who wonders where the shot came from. Monroe sneaks out of the area.

Monroe calls Nick saying Hank's safe, who thanks him. Hank arrives at the hospital and tells Nick that someone shot Stark and doesn't know who did it. Back at the precinct, Captain Renard scolds Hank on being a lone cowboy, then tells him that the bullets taken from Stark's body were made in England over 100 years ago and was fired from a very old and rare elephant gun made for royalty. Neither knowing who would own something like that. 

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