Chapter 15 - The Spice Shop

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"Soon he was so in love with the witch's daughter that he could think of nothing else. He lived by the light of her eyes and gladly did whatever she asked."

Sean Renard and Adalind Schade are looking at a painting when Sean comments "my family use to own it during the 17th century, however they lost it along with some heads during the Revolution" (a reference to the French Revolution which, during a period known as the Reign of Terror, many lost their heads to the guillotine). Renard asks her how's the progress with Hank. She claims Hank's not interested in her, resulting in Renard handing her a vial of blood saying Hank just had his physical. He tells her do whatever it takes to make Hank like her. 

At Nick's, both Nick and Juliette are eating dinner when Juliette tells him she wants to learn to shoot a gun. Then, a knock is heard at the door with Nick answering it finding Bud at the door. Nick reminds him that he told him never to come back, and Bud asks not to take it the wrong way. Claiming he's sorry for the things that have happened and gives them a gift. Assuring they won't be bothered as he leaves and Nick and Juliette re-enter the house. Juliette asks how the refrigerator repairman will make sure nobody bothers them, and Nick tells her that the license plate she wrote down was parked at a house which Bud was in. Opening the gift they find a quilt. 

Two Skalengeck inhale drugs through a horn-like pipe. After the two get high, they leave to get more. Adalind arrives at the spice shop owned and operated by Freddy. She hands him a list asking to make sure the ingredients are fresh. Getting the ingredients and handing them to her, he realizes who she is and says they're on the house. She leaves and two men barge in. One turns the sign from open to closed and the other confronts Freddy. Demanding the pharmaceutical grade Jay. Freddy says it's in the basement and the two men go down there, but not before beating him to the ground. On the floor, Freddy glances up and spots his alarm system keypad. Pushing the emergency button and setting the alarm off as the two men realize the police are on their way, and only take what they can carry. On the way out, Freddy woges into a Fuchsbau and bites one man's leg. The man turns and fires multiple shots into him, killing him.

Arriving on scene Detectives Nick Burkhardt and Hank Griffin along with Sergeant Wu find Freddy's dead body with lots of blood around it. Hank finds a piece of skin inside Freddy's mouth, and believes he must've taken a bite out of his killer. Suspecting illegal drugs in play, since his spices sold upfront aren't worth that much. They decide to test the drugs to see if any are illegal. 

Nick then contacts the owner's next of kin, Rosalee Calvert. Living in Seattle, she says she'll come down to Portland to bury the body and close the shop. At the station, Rosalee requests to go to the shop and Nick goes with her. At the shop, Rosalee woges into a Fuchsbau like her brother. Realizing Nick's a Grimm, she becomes frightened and Nick reassures her that he won't hurt her and is only interested in catching the murderers. He explains his previous encounter with Freddy, who was being supplied by Geiers with medical remedies made from human organs, before Nick shut it down. Nick immediately thinks the Geiers retaliated against Freddy, but isn't sure. Rosalee tells him she will check inventory of the contents in Freddy's shop to determine is anything is worth killing over. Nick hands her his card, telling her to call if she finds anything out or needs anything. Leaving, Rosalee calls out to him admitting that he isn't what she expected a Grimm to be.

At her house Adalind is baking cookies. Reading the recipe, which is actually more of a potion as it calls for blood of the deceiver and blood of the deceived. Adalind adds some of Hank's blood first from the vial, then adds hers. Later, she stops by Hank's just as he's arriving home and gives him the basket full of chocolate chip cookies as a thank you for saving her life. Flattered, Hank takes a bite out of one claiming they are very tasty. Adalind tells him not to give them away as they are only for him. 

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