Misery and Miracles

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Spider-Man/Peter Parker
Kitty Kate Pryde
Doctor Stephen Strange
Kraven The Hunter
Green Goblin
J Jonah Jameson
Black Cat
Nick Fury
Agent Coulson
Detective Yuri
Miles Morales
Emma Frost

With Loki and Mephisto

Oh yeah I'm going there mwahaha!

Spider-Man swings through the air with haste, being late yet again this month in his latest job. He swears under his breath trying to come up with an excuse for this tardiness but honestly he felt he was running low on them by this point.

He couldn't blame any public transportation because he hardly uses them often enough to use an excuse outta it and couldn't blame traffic without even owning a vehicle with his scooter getting destroyed in his fight against Scorpion.

He remembered it vividly, Scorpion's tail shattering his ride into pieces and Spider-Man never mentally screamed so loud in anguish before or since.

He got down to where his workplace is before looking aghast at the place covered in wild flames, the fire department at the scene putting out the fire.

"What even happened!?" Spider-Man loudly asked clutching his head, the fire chief turning around assuming he was asking a direct question.

"Oh hey Spider-Man, some knucklehead left flammable material next to the hottest area of the kitchen. Luckily nobody got hurt or worse."

Spider-Man realizes he was the knucklehead and facepalms himself, another job straight down the shitter.

He swings away not wanting to be around longer than he needed to, deciding a early departure to his apartment will suffice.

He enters the building as Peter Parker, reaching his door and groans seeing the large words of EVICTION stapled on it. He jiggles the key in the lock to no use, looking back to the paper on the door demanding a sum of money he didn't even have before nightfall to the landlord.

He thinks to himself what he should even do now bring jobless yet again. He could try to gamble, but he feared it would be too risky if he'd failed or won too much.

He sat down against his door and pondered over an idea possible that could get him the money he needed in the remaining half of the day.

"Peter?" He looks up to his side, his eyes widen in surprise seeing a face he didn't think would appear into his life again.

Kitty Pryde was standing before him now an adult like he is, stunning in his eyes.  Her straight hair now fluffy curly hair, her figure stood out in her vibrant clothing and she now had a freaking purple dragon on her shoulder.

"Kitty!?" He stood upright almost immediately, unsure how to react and dreaded her turning her head to see the eviction sign on his door.

"God it's been forever, five years to be infact." Kitty smiles at him, feeling happy to see her ex boyfriend once again. "You look great!"

"You look amazing Kitty, wow it almost feels like yesterday we were together in high school." Peter sheepishly smiles, rubbing the back of his head.

Kitty was going to continue talking till she turns to see the hard to avoid EVICTION sign stapled to his door.

"Peter, are you okay?" She asks concerned taking the sign into her hands and looks back at him with her big brown eyes .

Peter sighs and shakes his head, not wanting to lie to his ex in her face after seeing her again.

"Oh Peter." She sighs empathetically, crumpling up the paper into a ball and tosses it to Lockheed who burns it to ashes with a small burst of his flame.

"Yeah, times haven't been successful for me as I'd was hoping for." He admits, Kitty walking over and giving him a supportive hug.

"It's alright Pete, maybe we can help each other out like old times?" She tells him, Peter looking down to see her bags besides her dragon companion.

"You-you were gonna come to me for a place to stay?" He looks at her puzzled.

"You were the only one I knew in the city Pete, sorry I didn't tell you in advance but I was hoping to just surprise you before I asked." She reveals to him, giving him a innocent look he couldn't resist.

"It's alright Kitty, I would've helped you out if I wanted to but-"

"How about a deal?" She pulls out a stack of benjamins from her purse, Peter's eyes nearly popped outta their skull wondering how did she gain so much cash. "You let me stay with you for awhile and in return we both keep this place afloat together. Sound good?"

"Kitty you're a lifesaver!" Peter immediately hugs her back, Kitty nearly losing her breath from his strength but felt great helping out her old friend.

She phases outta his grasp and watches him rush from the apartment floor downstairs, banging on the door of his landlord.

The slimly man opens up looking visibly irritated that his poker game with his friends was interrupted by his least favorite tenant before Peter placed the stack of bills into his hand.

"I ain't going nowhere Silvio." He tells him before leaving his view with a confident smile on his face.

End of Chapter One

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