Lustful Scorn

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Mature! Mature! Mature!

Viewer Discretion Advised and play your choice of baby making music reading this.

Kitty lustfully moans into his shoulder, bitting against it feeling Peter's shaft erecting up against her pubic area and teasing her vulva.

"Oh Peter..." She shudders from her breath, giving goosebumps all over Peter's skin as he slips his shaft into her juicy pussy causing her to gasp out surprised and bite her lip in pleasure.

He starts thrusting slowly and carefully remembering his superhuman strength could rip her apart with ease leaving a very gruesome image in the back of his head.

"Petey go faster." She breathes out, caressing her hands against his abs and Peter begins to get concerned never having gone this far before in a relationship.

He couldn't turn back, not with his beautiful lover completely bare and pleasuring him under the perfect conditions. He was a man, a Spider-Man of all things and you don't waste a great opportunity life gives you.

"Strap in then Kitty." He confidently smirks at her, flipping her over making her gasp out as she's laid out with hearts in her eyes.

She wraps her thicc thighs firmly around him and pulls him in as he thrusts with flowing swiftness inside her making her moan aloud. Her cheeks blushing red and her breath hot as she claws his back making him grunt in pain but it only made him more confident.

"COULSON!" Fury exclaims as he opens the backdoors of the van causing everyone watching to jolt back to their surroundings. "I ain't paying you to watch live pornography!"

"Apologies sir, but we could use this to our advantage in case of unexpected actions in the near future." Coulson suggests, Fury giving a deep glare with his one eye before entering the van and looking over at the footage he's seeing.

"My God." Fury says.

"OH PETER! AAH!" Kitty exclaims in ecstasy crating a ahegao expression across her face as Peter was pounding her from behind, gripping her ass cheeks like reins breathing fastly with each motion.

"I'll take your suggestion into consideration Coulson, cut the feed for now." Fury orders, everyone else complying as the hidden cameras go offline in the apartment.

Miles and Loki were outside the apartment, both covering their mouths not even letting the quietest of breaths escaping hearing Peter and Kitty moaning and clapping cheeks in euphoria loud enough for-

"Matt? Hey Matt are you okay? What's wrong?" Foggy worryingly asks his best friend who freezes mid drink at their favorite bar Josie's with a speechless look on his face.

"Um...just accidentally overheard some things I shouldn't have." Matt clears his throat trying to pass it off as a mere inconvenience, swiftly gulping down the remainder of his beer.

"Yeah right, you could hear anything you want throughout the entire island like a bat come on man what did you hear?"


"Oh God Kitty!" Peter exclaims aloud.

*WHAT DO WE EVEN DO!?* Miles mentally asks Loki, the kid absolutely in every right freaking out as his friend and mentor was raw dogging his roommate like there's no tomorrow.

*I've had my accidental walk-ins on my brother before but this feels much more different in terms of our races young Morales. They sound like those hollering hairy creatures I saw in those zoos.*

*Wait, apes?*

*Oh yes I do believe it was those things, but unlike those some minded creatures I can sense the chemistry through their passion. Like the fires of Surtur.* Loki explains to the younger Spider-Man, using his magic to see through the walls watching Peter and Kitty groping each other's glistening bodies on the floor

He felt like he was a painting come to life, caught in their moment seeing the emotions across their sweating faces that made him realize he has been pretty distant from the world of romance in quite some time.

Miles however decided to book it, best to leave this private moment and hope it's never brought up in conversation ever.

"Very well." Loki quietly tells himself, leaving the scene as well to give the two their shared time together.

Peter and Kitty catch their breaths close to each other underneath a blanket Peter brought over, looking into each other's smiling faces flushed and sweat on their brows.

"Wow." Kitty breaths out beyond impressed, her entire lower half feeling completely like limp noodles and rather sleepy from so much physical exertion.

"Think I pulled a muscle." Peter chuckles quietly not nearly as exhausted, Kitty smiles and places her hand against his cheek lost in his eyes.

"Thank you Peter." She tells him sincerely before closing her eyes and drifts asleep in front of him, Peter smiling back and brushes her bangs from her eyes.

The power goes out leaving the illumination of the outside as the storm continues, Peter looking out at the darkened city contemplating everything that happened.

He has fallen for his first love again but now he's afraid where this could lead, looking over his side to see a somber Uncle Ben looking back at him.

"Son, don't be afraid." He can hear his voice tell him in his ears, turning back to Kitty peacefully asleep next to him.

He looks to his other side to see Gwen Stacy with a lifeless expression and a broken back staring at him upside down on the web that failed to save her, fear swelling up at the sight of his dead lover.

"Don't fail her Peter." She croaks out, tears coming down her emotionless eyes.

Peter hung his head low saddened, the shadow of the rain falling across himself while the mental torments of his past still never leave him alone.

End of Chapter 11

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