A Twisted Alliance

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And They Were Roommates is recently now #4 on Shadowcat! Woo!

Spider-Man and Miles lands down on the rooftop of a random skyscraper, trying to wrap their heads around what just transpired earlier.

"These guys are serious Pete, why were they waiting for Kraven of all people?" Miles asks, wondering why Shield was in the city taking down Spider-Man's rival.

"It's the new zero tolerance act that was passed, they're going around apprehending any superhuman criminals on the street and putting them away for good."

"If that's the case are we gonna be Spider-Men less then?" 

"Maybe, all I know is that Coulson is leading the charge against our rogue gallery and I know Coulson's got a whole team that deals with people like them."

"Um Pete." Miles shakes his shoulder as Spider-Man turns around to see two massive Shield hellicarriers on either side of the city's rivers.

They looks up and see Shield attack helicopters patrolling the city's skies, realizing the special organization just took over the city under their noses.

Spider-Man heard his mask vibrating as he sees Kitty calling him on the HUD of his lenses, answering.


"Hey Petey I was just wondering what the hell is going on all around the city?" She asks concerned looking over from midtown to see military style helicopters flying around and armored shield agents patrolling the streets searching for supervillains.

"Fury, he's flushing squeezing the city out for the rest of the villains to arrest them. I'll call you later when I get more answers."

"Be careful." She tells him, Spider-Man pausing before replying.

"I will, see you soon." He hangs up and turns to Miles who smirks behind his mask, Spider-Man narrowing his lenses at him.

"Well I take it you've seen how serious everything is being dealt with here?" Loki speaks, the two turn to him on the defense as Loki rolls his eyes exasperated.

"You knew about this in advance?" Spider-Man asks him.

"Of course, Fury wants to throw all your supervillains into the most advanced prison facility ever and have them spent their remaining pathetic lives in the deepest trenches of the ocean."

"That's a bit excessive." Miles chimes in.

"Still works. The world has no need for them any longer, they won't stand aside and watch them cause havoc and watch the cycle repeat itself."

"They're criminals not-"

"-Terrorists? Psychopaths? Repeating offenders? Do tell me more of your hypocrisies before I decide to vomit at them." Loki scoffs at Spider-Man's poor attempt to tell his view on his enemies.

Spider-Man goes silent and hangs his head low. Yet again he was corrected, been so blinded by the repetitive amounts of fighting the same people for years now he didn't consider maybe it was time for a tougher approach against their unchanging natures."

"No, you're right Loki. Normal cops can't defend against sand people or psychotic symbiotes, perhaps it's best people remain safer if they're removed from them for their safety."

"Well that aside, if you want to make sure they survive this Shield manhunt I suggest us three find your psychopaths before they do."

Washington DC

Agent Maria Hill enters Director Fury's office, Fury turning around to look at his right hand woman anticipating her news.

"We managed to intercept and round up all of Spider-Man's lesser known enemies in the past hour Fury, Operation Clean Sweep has been quite progressive."

"Well I want the big fishes in this case Hill, all of the original Sinister Six before the week ends. With them out of the picture the City will be drastically safer and superhuman criminal activity extinct."

"They could migrate to another city." Hill suggests, Fury letting out a laugh in amusement.

"Oh trust me, they'd be too damn afraid to step outta their lairs to see our logo throughout each state. The Age of Superheroes may not be dead but more lives can be saved and spared from the endless fighting Hill."

"What do you make of Parker's new roommate?" Hill asks Fury.

"She stays out of this or she'll join the others in a compressed cell at the bottom of the ocean." He sternly tells Hill who nods, adding Katherine Pryde to her watchlist.

End of Chapter 7

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