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Spider-Man spins his head around searching for the source of the familiar laughter in a decrepit place filled with ruins covered in overgrown foliage and cobwebs far all around himself.

He's unsettled to the core, his spider sense not ringing throughout his head trying to find the source of the danger that lurks around the darkness.

"Show yourself Osborn!" He calls out, clenching his fists readying to fight with only the returning laughter as his response.

Suddenly skeletal hands bursting from the ground around him, looking down in shock to see zombified versions of people he knew.

Gwen Stacy, Captain Stacy, Harry Osborn, Uncle Ben, Aunt May, Richard Parker, and Mary Parker.

He staggers back horrified, feeling himself unable to breathe and his body going numb as they begin to grab at him.

He tries to scream, swing his arms, anything to no avail as they yank him around amongst each other. He can hear their voices screaming and blaming him for their deaths feeling like a dagger in his heart.

Goblin appears standing over him with his terrifying mask, his wide yellow eyes and unhinged grin staring down at him like the demon he is.

"Misery Misery Misery Peter Parker, this is your hell and I'm Satan himself!" Goblin exclaims in twisted pleasure, throwing his hands in the air as flames sprout around them with the zombies of his loved ones disappearing.

He tries to get up and lunge at Goblin but feels himself sinking into the flamming ground, panicking as he tries to pull himself out of the sinking ground till he sees the zombified version of Kitty being the one dragging him down to Hell.

He gasps awake in a cold sweat, his frantic eyes looking around to see he's back in his bedroom with Kitty waking up and immediately going to his aid.

"Peter what's wrong?" She asks concerned, touching his arm but he recoils back and falls off the bed hastily breathing looking shaken up.

"Peter look at me what's wrong?" She covers herself in her silk robe and phases through the bed down to him as she gets into his view with concern all over her face.

"Kitty?" He asks looking clearly at her, the terrifying nightmare was over but it had already left it's mark on him.

"Yes Peter it's me, you're safe now okay?" She tells him, holding one of his hands between hers and holds it firmly. 

Peter tries to get the words outta his mouth but everything began to feel strange as he clutches his chest and feels it tightening, unable to catch his breath.

"Peter?" Kitty's eyes widen as he tries to get up struggling to breathe, Peter's eyes rolling back before he collapses to the ground unconscious. "Peter!"

Kitty watches anxiously, nibbling her thumbnail slightly watching Peter's attorney friend Matt Murdock inspect Peter's body by simply sitting down next to him and sensing any abnormalities throughout his bodily systems.

"Everything is healthy Miss Pryde, Peter unfortunately suffered from a severe panic attack and fainted. Mind telling me what happened?" Matt tells her, Kitty touching her heart surprised.

"He woke up from a nightmare, just shaken up awfully and then he had the panic attack and passed out. I know how he is about hospitals and since he was breathing I found you on his emergency contact." Kitty explains, going to Peter's side and holding his hand in her's.

"Glad you called Miss Pryde, he should be up shortly and I figure it's best you discuss with him about this matter." He tells Kitty as she nods, getting up and walking Mister Murdock out the door before closing it.

She looks back at Peter laying unconscious on the living room sofa, her concern for him now skyrocketed. She guesses it must've been the Goblin that spiked him up with such fear and anguish to push him to this extent.

Lockheed chitters curiously at Kitty, brushing her finger against his head and sighs unsure what to do with Peter.

"Wish I knew Lockheed, he's troubled and he needs us more than ever." She tells her dragon who nestles himself in her hair while she sits next to Peter and lays herself against him in a comforting manner.

"I'm here with you Peter, don't be afraid..." She whispers into his ear softly, closing her eyes and drifts away into sleep alongside him.

End of Chapter 9

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