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Peter sighed as he watches his television, watching the news showing a Shield division overwhelming and closing in Doc Ock like a wild animal as his tentacles violently attacking at the shield soldiers who spray powerful tear gas around him and using energy shields to defend themselves while other soldiers fire rubber bullets and jab him with electric staffs.

Doc Ock finally let up after War Machine landed down and fired his sonic blasts at the mad scientist who's ears bled and screamed out painfully before passing out on the street, the armored soldiers taking him away in a heavily armored cell van.

Peter felt strange watching his own enemies being taken out by Shield in just under 24 hours, feeling uncertain with himself till he feels a gentle hand against his bare shoulder turning to see Kitty in the bed next to him smiling at him.

"What's gotten Mr.Hero down?" She asks him, stroking his back as Peter sighs and gives a weak smile for her.

"Mr.Hero should be happy he could be Peter Parker more often but today he feels like he hasn't been very good at taking down his own foes." He admits to Kitty, who nods and turns off the television.

"You shouldn't feel bad with yourself Peter, you're no Punisher or Moon Knight when it comes to fighting these creeps but that's the important aspect of yourself. You've showed this city time and time again you'll always defend them from those evils and they'll always respect you for it."

"Remember Son, With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility."

The iconic morals of his late Uncle echo in his mind yet again. He could've killed any of his foes if he'd wanted to, some honestly deserved it after the evil atrocities they've committed against the people in his life and other innocent people but he never did cause it was always the right thing to do.

He always felt pity against some of his foes like Electro or Lizard for their abilities corrupted them and brought them down into a life of crime they can't seem to escape from no matter how much they've tried to.

Then there were the others....

"GWEN!" Peter cries out in anguish as he holds her lifeless body in his arms, killed by his own failure just like her father and his uncle.

His blood boils hearing that maniacal laughter in his mind, that devilish green face of the Goblin flying around the Brooklyn Bridge mocking his suffering.

He once thought Norman Osborn could be cured, redeemed for his past actions but all he saw was the devil in both faces of the same man. Norman was a living embodiment of evil and goblin was just the suit he puts on for it.

Kitty senses his change in mood, Peter's face visibly livid at the past memories and holds him closer to herself, cooing him softly as she massages his head.

"Peter don't go down that pathway of thinking, it'll only cloud your judgement." She quietly warns him, Peter taking a deep breath and leans into her touch but that hatred towards Goblin still lingers.

Peter took lots of exceptions to many of his villains but Goblin, Goblin was someone he has the most killer intent towards that he nearly broke his own code against him when they've fought.

Goblin was out there and Peter wanted nothing more than to torture him for everything he's done against his life and this city before ending him permanently.

Kitty never saw bloodlust in Peter's eyes before, not even against his usual foes she encountered before when they used to fight crime together. She'd only heard rumors and news reports on the Green Goblin when she left the city, knowing he even attacked Aunt May's house one point but it was clear there was clear hatred for the man.

It genuinely scared her, understanding those feelings herself when she was brainwashed and used as a weapon by Wolverine's past mentor Ogun in Japan years back.

Wolverine of all people himself was a embodiment of bloodlust at times, but he crossed the line long before any of the X-Men were born and now she needed to make sure Peter Parker never does.

In a undisclosed laboratory somewhere...

The Goblin exhales with a twisted toothy grin as he pushes himself to his physical limits bicep wise as he arm curls weights that weigh dozens of tons each. He drives himself to only get stronger and faster against Spider-Man yet again for their last rematch.

For years he's done nothing but perfect his body and technology to gain any advantage against his webcrawling adversary to the tiniest of a second.

His deranged Greek eyes stare at the picture of a smiling Peter Parker on the wall, his veins popping out of his already built muscular body and building a sweat from hours of training.

"Soon Parker, oh very very soon." Goblin cackles, getting up and throwing a weight disc straight into the picture on the wall.

End of Chapter 8

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