Vengeful Shadows

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Kitty stirs awake on the floor, brushing her bangs away from her eyes seeing it's still darkly stormy outside their window.

"Peter?" She asks, looking around to see if he's nearby from her but no reply of sign of the man.

*Of course he's gone.* She sighs disappointed, washing herself off before putting a new set of her own clothing and makes some breakfast to start her new day.

*I wished he'd waited for me, honestly there's so much me and him need to discuss about. I hope he's alright.*

Spider-Man sits atop the Chrysler Building, looking out over Manhattan's skyline whilst the pouring rain washes over him relentlessly. Peter feels unsure of himself, where his life is leading with current events.

He watches on unaware of the threat lurking behind him this high above as a hulking dark figure creates a blade outta his arm and stabs through Peter who looks at the bloody black blade in horror.

Venom screeches victoriously as he raises his rival in the air, thunder booms whilst the lightning cracks across the sky. Peter feels everything becoming cold and dark as he begins to lose consciousness.

"No." He hears Venom tell him. "No you don't get to die yet Parker, not so easily."

Peter falls into the darkness, feeling a warm embrace consuming him before he does. His eyes slowly open back up tied by black webbing against a steel pillar in a construction building where he sees Venom looking back him with a twisted sharp grin on his face.

"Why? Why have the chance to kill me right there on the spot after the numerous other times you tried to just to let me live?" Peter asks confused yet upset by Venom's 180° action.

"Things are heated these days Parker, killing you would only bring the wrath of others upon me much quicker than if I let you live."

"Glad to see you using your brain for once Brock." Peter humorlessly pokes fun at his rival who reveals the head of Eddie Brock to him.

"Venom tells me you got a tight new squeeze up in your place now." Eddie smirks, Peter immediately frowning darkly at Brock.

"She stays outta this Eddie, you already got me here without anyone knowing."

"So defensive, maybe we won't touch a hair on her head if you listen up to what I gotta discuss with you about."

"What do you possibly want this time?"

"We want a piece of the action going on around here with those freaks of yours, clearly you aren't fit to deal with them anymore so let me take over!"

"This is some game Eddie, these are serious dangerous people I gotta handle against every other month!"

"That's the problem, you let this go on for years instead of ending it like you should've!"

"You know I don't work that way!"

"Maybe that's why you should let someone else take care of this Parker. We deal with them before Shield does you won't got to worry about these crazies terrorizing people around here or anywhere ever again!"

"But you'd be the only one left." Peter narrows his eyes at Brock sternly.

"We already showed you today we can kill you anytime anywhere, don't try me." Eddie warns him back with the same energy.

"Next time you won't be so lucky if you attempt to, I'm not letting you take over this city for your own egotistical gain."

"Real shame you think that way Parker, I'm trying to actually help the people unlike yourself. You think they'll just stay in another cell again?"

"I ain't you, when I get outta these binds I'll make sure Fury and his men have a nice cell for you there as well." Peter vows to Eddie who scoffs it off and pulls out a laptop from a nearby table.

He opens it up and reveals footage of Peter and Kitty's last night's escapade on their floor in full 4K quality, Peter's shocked expression makes Eddie smile knowing he's got Peter right where he wants him.

To Be Continued!

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