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Shocker grunts as he is slammed against a mailbox, powering up his gauntlets and firing energy blasts at Spider-Man who dodges them in mid air and lands a striking down punch across Shocker's jaw as the criminal falls to the ground defeated.

Before Spider-Man could do anything else he hears the sounds of armored vans screeching to a halt on both sides of the street with the name S.H.I.E.L.D on the side.

Shield agents completely armored head-to-toe with hidden faces flood out of the vans creating a perimeter around the two costumed men with highly advanced rifles pointed at them.

"Spider-Man under the command of Shield I authorize you to stand down and allow the arrest of Herman Schultz to proceed without any incident." Agent Phil Coulson wearing dark shades tells him revealing his Shield ID badge to him as the agents move towards them.

"I ain't going nowhere!" Shocker exclaims, blasting Spider-Man from behind off guard and picks himself off the ground.

"Take him out." Phil tells them calmly, the agents firing multiple electrical rounds into Shocker till he collapses back to the ground unconscious.

"Hey what gives Coulson, why is Shield arresting a guy like Schultz anyhow!?" Spider-Man asks the senior agent who is unphased by the younger man's questioning.

"Possession of dangerous and illicit highly advanced technology for starters, clearly Fury didn't pay you a visit to inform you."

"Inform me of what?"

"The Zero Sweep Act; your little rogue gallery are all to be incarcerated for life in Shield maximum penitentiary."


"Face it kid, these guys can't be trusted under the normal jurisdiction of the law with their abilities and continuous criminal activity."


"Go home kid, stick to helping the good folk around here and leave these guys to the serious big guns. By the way Fury's having his eye on you as well, I'd advised not stepping outta line." Coulson tells Spider-Man before hopping into his red muscle car Lola and driving off with the armored vans.

Spider-Man didn't know how to feel about this, maybe it was best his long time enemies were put away in more securable hands. He could have less concern over people he'd care about and have more free time to do what he'd wanted without their interference.

He was supposed to make the city safer after all, nobody having to worry about sandstorms or electrical blackouts anymore from his enemies. The more he thought over the more he smiles to himself under the mask.

Without his supervillains around anymore they'd be less need of Spider-Man and Peter Parker could be out there more often. Sure he'd always be around for the people but now he felt a huge burden over his shoulders lessen.

"Think he took the message well?" Nick Fury asks Coulson over his phone, watching Spider-Man over satellite footage swinging back to his place.

"I believe so sir, who would say no to much less work?"

"Don't celebrate just yet Coulson, I need the boy's full trust on this. I'd prefer not to put him down after some arrogant change of heart."

"Copy that sir, we'll have our eyes still on him then."

"Make that both, seems he's got company in his apartment." Fury notifies Coulson, looking at video footage of Peter hugging Kitty while still in his Spider-Man suit.

"You're back early, what's going on?" Kitty asks smiling at him, brushing his hair back from his face with her fingers.

"Uh crazy thing happened, Shocker got arrested by Shield of all people." Peter tells her as he removes his upper suit, revealing his well built torso complete with thy six pack and various faint scars from previous battles.

Kitty is taken aback by his physique, it has definitely improved since they've last spoken with each other and holds back her urge to bite her lip.

"Really? Shield of all people?" She blinks before looking up to ask him.

"Yep, seem they wanna lock up all my past enemies in their facilities to keep the city safe which I'd never thought I would say this but for once I'm not against it."

"Well if I'm being frank Peter, the NYPD doesn't get paid enough to fight sand clouds and sewer lizards every year."

"What I was thinking. If the city can be safer I'd wouldn't have to be Spider-Man most of the time and I could get back to doing more Peter Parker things."

Peter goes to his pants before looking up and realizing Kitty was still in the same room and the two slightly blush at one another. Kitty turning around covering her smile as Peter says nothing and reveals his Spidey boxers were never left behind underneath the suit.

"So um, do you like Salmon?" Peter asks, grabbing the nearest pants possible within vicinity.

"Of course, with wine?" She turns back to him just seeing him shirtless in shorts as he checks his fridge for any food.

"Yeah absolutely, since you're gonna be my roommate I'd might as well introduce you in properly."

"With just one bed?" She asks, gesturing to his one bedroom throughout the entire apartment and Peter realizes why he felt something has been off since he left.

"You wouldn't be down to share a bed right?" He nervously asks to which Kitty giggles and shakes her head in response.

"Very few people I'd trust to be in bed with me Peter, thankfully you're one of them." She reveals, making him smile at with confidence.

End of Chapter 2

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