Mediocre Purpose

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"Morning Phil, what we got going on today?" Nick Fury asks Phil Coulson over a video call, Phil Coulson spying on Peter and Kitty peacefully asleep amongst each other in bizarre positions through Peter's old spider bot displayed on his shelf.

"Couple of lovebirds asleep in the nest sir, each of them still oblivious to the cameras." Coulson reports, seeing Lockheed wandering around the apartment before flying in the air to stretch out his wings.

Suddenly the cameras begin to glitch out before Coulson's eyes, looking at the camera operators who have no clue what's going on as they try to fix this to no avail.

"Sir we got some unknown interference, we're unable to see any of them." Coulson reports to Fury who narrows his brow at the news of this.

A small green frog that managed to sneak it's way into their apartment transforms into the infamous God of Mischief, Loki Laufeyson!

Loki wore his signatures colors (emerald, gold, and black) in stylish designer clothing with the style of Asgardian design.

He looks around at the unimpressive apartment of the Spider-Man, disappointed the arachnid superhero lived in such a blatant homestead.

"Honestly even a desolate cave has more taste than this shitehold he's sleeping under." Loki snarks quietly, looking down to see Lockheed looking back at him with a defensive scowl.

"Hello There." Loki greets Lockheed with a look of superiority before Lockheed lunges at him and bites him in the ankle.


Coulson and the camera operators wince away from their headphones at the sharp sound of a loud distorted scream.

"What the hell was that?" Coulson asks rubbing his ears.

Peter and Kitty jolt up from their slumber, the disheveled duo rush into the living room to see Lockheed not releasing from Loki's ankle as the God tries to kick away the small dragon.

"Get this beast off of me!" Loki angrily grits his teeth trying to stab at Lockheed with one of his daggers.

"Stay away from my baby creep!" Kitty rushes over and smacks Loki across the face, Peter watching dumbfounded as the duo try to fight off Loki without hesitation.

Loki was bewildered he couldn't get a hit on either of them, Kitty phasing through him like one of his illusions while her dragon was flying around him continuing to bite him.

"Everyone time out!" Peter cries out as the three of them stop in their tracks turning to Peter in silence.

"Why is the God of Mischief in my apartment?" Peter asks Loki who shrugs the two off him and dusts himself off reverting back to his composure.

"Well I am here to offer neutrality Mr.Parker, man like yourself could always use allies after all." Loki explains his case, immediately getting frowns from Kitty and Lockheed who don't trust him.

*Hmmm, if he truly came here as a threat I've would've sensed it unless his magic is powerful enough to avoid my detection?*

Loki rolls his eyes seeing Peter's pondering face, pulling out a orb from his pocket as it shows The Lizard in his sewer laboratory planning to corrupt the entire water system of the city to transform everyone into lizards.

Peter wasn't too surprised by lizard's latest scheme, his plans usually revolved around turning everyone into giant lizard people anyhow but it was a step showing Loki was trying to be trustworthy.

"What's exactly the gain to turn people into lizard people?" Kitty asks Peter looking confused at his rival's one note plan.

"I guess it's like Planet of the Apes just with lizards, he's called The Lizard there's nothing else to him Kitty." Peter answers with lackluster, knowing if Lizard gets caught and taken away by Shield he'd wouldn't have to worry about his reptilian antics anymore.

Loki caught on to Peter's change of attitude against his enemies, peering through his mind to see his alliance with Spider-Man could be short term after all.

"Well you and your girlfriend oughta head out and capture that lizard man before he turns everyone into lizard people then." Loki tells Peter as the duo's eyes widen and turn to Loki.

"She's not my-I mean she was but-"

"I care not about your complicated relationships Mr.Parker, my reasons being here doesn't involve your personal life choices and the women you've bedded with. Good day to you all." He tells Peter before transforming into a crow with a handlebar crown and flying out the window cawing.

"I still don't like him." Kitty scrunches her nose at the God of Mischief flying off, sensing the sorcerer had hidden schemes behind all that talk of neutrality and being friendly.

End of Chapter 4

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