1. Already breaking down.

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TW: breakdown, mention of death

Mal, who laid on her back, on her bed, was writing in her journal. She wrote about how she felt inside it.

Mike, who was on his bed on the other side of the room, was reading a letter from el.

Mal didn't get any sleep that night, she was up thinking about something. Or someone. She decided to finally start getting ready at 4.

She was almost done writing her page of that week, until Nancy barged in.

"The hell are you guys doing?" She asked. Mal and mike looked at each other confused. "It's ten after!"

"Oh, shit!" Mike heed, putting the mot away.

"Shit!" Mal yelled with him, putting her journal down.

"You guys have thirty seconds or I'm leaving without you, okay?" Their older sister rushed them. "Thirsty seconds!"

"Okay, I have to find my pants!" Mike yelled, searching for his pants.

"You don't have your pants on?" Mal yelled at her twin brother. "Ew!"

"Be quiet!" He hissed at her.

Mal shrugged, grabbing her backpack from the bottomed of her bed, and running down the stairs. Once down stairs, she grabbed her shoes and put them on. Can you guess what color and what brand they were?

Today, she wore a black 'AC/DC' shirt, (they were her favorite band) with a pair of cuffed dark blue jeans. She also had her high top yellow converse (duh) with her long hair down. And to top of the outfit, she had a bigger Jean jacket on.

Once the twins were downstairs, mike grabbed some egos and out them in the toaster.

"Twins, I know your D&D club is tonight." Their mom said.

"Hellfire." Mike and Mal corrected her.

"Why don't you just call it the high school dropout club?" Their father put his smart ass intro he converse.

"Well, its not." Mal said annoyed.

"I want you both home no later than 9:00." Their mom states.

"I'll try." Mike said.

"Uh-huh." Mal told her mom as she intensely watched the toaster.

"No trying. Michael, you need to be up early-". Karen was going to continue, but mike cut her off.

"Why?" He asked.

"It's a 6:30 flights, Michael." Ted cut in.

"No buts. Nine or no California." Their mom said.

"And no sweetie pie." Ted said, as Mal scrunched her nose up in disgust.

"And for you, Mallory," mal sighed, knowing what was coming. "You're grounded, so you have to be home, too."

"It's no fair that I'm grounded!" Mal argued with her mother.

"Yes it it! Maybe you shouldn't have cussed your gym teacher out." Kern said, crossing her arms.

"Yeah, we'll maybe if he let me set out. Its not fair! Everyday I still have terrible pains in my stomach!" She yelled. "Also, tomorrow is wills birthday!"

"That's no excuse." Ted said.

Mal scoffed at him. "Oh I'll give you an excuse-"

"Mike Mal! Let's go!" Nancy cut her sister off.

Another thing, Mal hard started losing her temper wayyy easily. She hated it, but it wasn't her fault.

Nancy jiggled the keys, as mike grabbed the two egos out the toaster, handing one to Mal. "Here, Mallie." He said.

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