30. Love hurts.

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Having to hold and watch the love of your life die.... It isn't something you would expect to be pleasant.

But that's what Max mayfield had to endure. She held Mal in her arm as close as possible, while she was dying.

When Mal took her last breath, it wasn't like any other times she died.

It was worse.

Max and el had to watch Mal get tortured I'm her last moments, before she was murdered.

After that, Lucas and max had to watch Mal take her last breath.

Non of them could take it.

Especially Max.

Watching Mal die... for the third time, it was okay.

It wasn't normal.

But there was absolutely nothing she could do about it. So it had to stay that way, whether she likes it or not.


Sitting in the hospital, was max. Her red hair flowed over her shoulder as she held the cold still hand of Mal, who laid in the hospital bed with many machines hooked into her.

"Why can't we fly to the moon together, tony?" Max read in a very feminine voice while holding the book in the hand she wasn't holding Mal's in.

"Oh, tony. It's because I'm not actually... here."

"What do you mean you're not actually here?"

"I wish I could explain it. But... you will never see me again. I'm sorry"

Max read that last line in the smallest voice ever. As she looked up from the book to Mal, she could feel tears forming in her eyes.

god, she missed her.

mal didn't deserve to be in this pain.

She deserves so much better. If she ever were to wake up... hopefully she does, max would make a promise to do everything in her power to give her the world.

'if she ever were to wake up'


Memories flowed throughout the red headed girls head.

Every memory to be thought of with mal went through it. From the very first glance at the pretty girl in science... to this very moment.

From the first time they talked, when the held hands. Seeing Mal die from the attack of a demodog, the snowball... their first kiss.

To the first sleepover at each others houses. All the comic books max would read to mal while playing with her hair while she other girl laid in her lap, eyes barely open.

To all the attacks of the mind flayer last year, and to her death.

Yes, Billy's hit hard, especially with the amount of guilt from it all... but Mal's was life changing.

When Mal was dying, that was the first time max said she loved her. After mal woke up, that was the first time she said it, too.

That was the first time max actually ever felt love.

Then they agreed to give it a break, figuring they were too young. They both knew they loved each other, but saying "i love you" at such an early time can lead to such heartbreak.

But that didn't matter at this moment.

Because all max knew now...

Was that she loved Mal.

She always would.

Just like she will always fall harder and        
                harder for this girl.

AN: omg hi. it's been so long, and I apologize. thing have been so horrible lately... and I mean horrible. Nothing seems to be right and everything's shit rn, but I really missed my traumatized gays, so I finished this chapter from like... 3(?) weeks ago.
I love you guys so much and I've been so inactive because of everything going on and I'm so sorry. I really couldn't handle anything but lately like Friday, and today I've been a bit more active. But yeah, this is sweet and short and shitty but it's something.
                      Okay, bye!

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