Bonus | The Art Showcase

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LIFE FOR MOST after high school would either go on a downward spiral or set out on a path that headed straight for college. Time waited for no one, after all, and the world would never stop spinning even if we weren't ready for the next chapter of our lives.

As summer came and went, time bled on and led us on a path toward the next portion of our lives. With high school come and gone, some of my friends ended up in the colleges of their dreams. Others went overseas, securing a spot in universities abroad so as to further pursue their dream courses. The people I've grown used to spending every day with soon became people that I would only meet once a week, a month, or maybe even every half a year.

That included the people that I held most dear once upon a time, especially during the final moments of high school― Jules, Xavier, and last but not least, Harr.

It was a black-tie event that I had to attend. And for once, I didn't mind dressing up to my best. I had on a shimmering gown, my neck and wrist draped with glittering albeit fake jewelry, smiling to all who walked past me. I had to be at my best, displaying only the brightest smile to all the guests today.

After all, I was the host.

Unlike the rest of my friends, I hadn't pursued further studies. I had applied for college and even overseas universities, but unfortunately, my grades were merely subpar. While Jules and Harr managed to find themselves wonderful slots in their dream colleges, I hadn't been so lucky. None of my applications came back accepted. Even Xavier, someone whom we've once jested about being a bad student, had managed to secure himself a spot overseas.

However, that didn't mean that my life was any less than any of theirs. For once, I felt like the main character of my own story. After all, my dreams had come true.

Standing in the middle of the art gallery, I watched as throngs of people walked through the marbled halls. They pointed at the art pieces on display, smiling, nodding, and whispering among themselves. Nevertheless, I wasn't too worried about what they might be discussing― the genuine smiles on their faces told me more than what I needed to know.

"Congratulations," the art director said as he walked over to me. His smile was the brightest of them all, two champagne flutes in his hands. He handed one over to me, which I took but didn't drink.

"It's all thanks to you, Mr. Graver," I replied. "I am truly grateful to have been given this chance."

"Art deserves to be seen by the world," Mr. Graver answered. He raised his flute, nodding. "And amazing artists deserve to be known by the world."

I merely smiled in return, with Mr. Graver not making further moves to keep the conversation going. We exchanged polite nods before he was gone, mingling with some of the patrons that have come to the art exhibition.

Even though I hadn't been able to get into the college of my dreams ― or any college, really ― I was fortunate enough to have been given the chance to showcase my artwork in a local gallery. It might be small and I hadn't raised my hopes at first, but ultimately, more people showed up than I had thought there would be. That was enough for a start; I knew that this was just the beginning of my journey.

Unable to contain my curiosity, I pulled my phone out of the purse I brought with me. I was unable to contain my disappointment when I was met with a blank screen, void of any notifications. If I said that I hadn't expected much, it would be a lie.

It had been a long time since that fortunate Christmas Day when Harr and I had officially become a couple. Since then, the days had more often been sweeter than anything, though conflict peppered some of the days in between. Those were common for every couple, understandably, but ever since he had moved states away for his college course, the number of times we had fought had increased.

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