Chapter Twenty-Four

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The Idle Gossip


AFTER SUCH A royal screw-up, Xavier needed a plan in order to right his wrongs. However, after a few mistakes in succession, it's no longer as easy to apologize as a virgin error. Xavier had to face the music for what he had done and it all came down to what he could offer and his willingness to change. Of course, he also had to convince Jules that he was sincere.

"I'm thinking maybe get her a gift. Maybe treat her to some fancy dinner or serenade her from outside her bedroom window," Harr suggested, his right fist hitting against the palm of his left hand, face bright.

I shook my head. "She isn't a materialistic person, Harr. You can't buy Jules over with gifts."

While saying so, my fingers flew across my phone screen, rapidly tapping the letters on the keyboard as I sent message after message. Our group chat, the one I shared with Jules, Teresa, and Sarah, finally came alive after a long time. The two had sent photos from their trip, sharing the beautiful sights.

With the group chat finally active, I hurried to update our friends about the recent happenings.

Aiko: Oh, update! Eugene got Jules a bear from the carnival a few days back. A huge one, too.

Sarah: NO WAY!! Oh my gosh, that's actually so cute.

Teresa: Do I hear wedding bells?

Jules: It's not that big of a deal, guys.

Jules: It's just a bear.

Teresa: What about you, Aiko? Did you win anything from the carnival?

"Serenading her would still fit the bill." Harr pouted. "Xavier won't be buying her anything."

"I can't sing, Harr," Xavier deadpanned.

Aiko: Harr won me that tiger. Finally.

Sarah: Y'all are so adorable. Are you finally dating?

Aiko: LOL, no.

Jules: She got a teddy bear from Xavier too.

Teresa: SAY WHAT??????



Teresa: Didn't Xavier Park confess to Jules on the last day of school?

Sarah: RIGHT?? That's what I thought too!

Sarah: He switched teams?

Aiko: Y'all are making a big deal out of this.

Aiko: We're just friends.

Teresa: You're "just friends" with Harr too but everyone thinks that both of you are going out.

Sarah: You little minx. ;)

Aiko: Oh please.

Aiko: Xavier still has the hots for Jules. It's so obvious.

Aiko: Jules, tell them.

Jules: LOL.

Jules: So what did you do with the bear, then?

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