Chapter Twenty-One

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The Chanced Encounter


SHE WORE A smile on her face, not as bright as usual but still radiant enough to fool the blind. Despite the rain of laughter that echoed around us, Jules couldn't bring herself to act as cheery after what happened that night of the birthday party. I couldn't blame her for it. Although Jules and Xavier weren't exactly an item, it must've still hurt to see a crush fraternizing with someone else, as hard as Jules would try to deny. As time went on, it melted away into a frown, thunderous and gloomy.

"That pout does not look good on you," I joked, shoving a mouthful of cotton candy into Jules's face. "Here, have some."

Eyebrows scrunched and nose wrinkled, Jules hesitantly took a bite out of the cotton candy. The sweet quickly dissolved past her lips, melting away into nothing as I withdrew my fingers. She nodded, humming softly under her breath.

"It's good."

Summer appeared to be the season of endless fun. While the arts festival had just been around not long ago, a carnival soon took its place after the festival's stage and tents were cleared. Now, different booths had been set up, each brighter than the last with more offering fun games than selling souvenirs. There were classics like ring tosses and darts, paired with carnival rides that could rival famous theme parks around the world.

Despite all that thrilling laughter and exuberant energy that pulsed through the atmosphere, Jules reflected none of it. Her face was stoic and monotonous, clearly affected by everything going on in her life all at once.

I sighed, rubbing at my nose in exasperation. Someone had to do something if not their status would remain stagnant for the rest of eternity. Apparently, that someone had to be me.

Tucking my hands behind my back, I swayed a little from side to side,feigning an air of ignorance. "Forgive me for being curious but where does it stand now? Your relationship with Xavier, I mean."

In her arms, she held a few toys that I had won her at the various game booths. When she heard the question, she squeezed the toys closer to her chest, nearly a little too forcefully despite it being an instinctive action.

"We haven't talked since. There wasn't much to talk about, honestly. After all, I wasn't his significant other. We weren't exclusive to each other. There wasn't a reason for me to get as upset as I did." She shrugged nonchalantly. However, despite that, her face didn't show even an ounce of carefree indifference.

"But you're still upset," I said pointedly.

Like a water jug that had finally been overfilled, Jules burst. All of that pent up frustration and anger had reached its tipping point, overflowing from the edges like a gushing waterfall that finally broke free from its dam.

"Because!" She exclaimed, flinging an arm out. "He's such a fickle person! Right before school ended, he made it seem like he could promise me the world. Appearing at my workplace, getting a job where I worked, suddenly joining in on our little adventures, being part of our friend group. He suddenly just thrusted himself in-between us and acted as though we had been the best of friends from the start! And can you believe me, Aiko? That for a second there I had actually trusted that act! And just as quickly, he just... stopped. He drifted to other people, took an interest in other girls, flirted as frivolously as a rake." Jules swerved around, pausing in her steps to face me. "Even back at the camp, he was acting so chummy with—"

Then, she stopped short. Her words refused to leave her throat, clogged there even though her lips were parted and ready to spit them out at any given time. Yet, her voice failed her, unable to form coherent sentences to enunciate her thoughts. She stayed that way for a few seconds, fingers clenching and unclenching a few times before all tension left her shoulders, causing it to droop back down, relaxed. She sighed, taking in a deep breath before exhaling, almost as though she was flushing out all of her frustrations from her body.

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