Chapter Two

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The Painful Rejection


THE CROWD WAS in hysterics.

On a usual day, one might not pay attention to Jules's tragically abundant yet unsuited love life. However, this time, the one that had so brazenly confessed his love was a prominent figure in the school. Xavier Park might not be the golden boy of Riverside High School that did everything by the book but he certainly wasn't the shadow of anyone else. He was the bright bold gleaming sun of this small high school society, located at the very center of the student body's universe along with a few other sacred names.

In the big world outside of Riverside Creek, Xavier Park was no one. Despite that, when in the grounds of this little town, Xavier Park could be considered a god.

"There is no way in hell I'll ever date someone like you." Jules was relentless in making her stand crystal clear. If there was anyone in the crowd that had thought they heard her rejection wrongly, all of their doubts would henceforth be shattered.

I shuddered just thinking of what was to come. Although Jules might let down some guys nicely, or even ghost the others that had confessed over text messages, there was hardly any chance for Jules to deal with Xavier nicely. After all, his 'type' reminded her painfully of her middle school days. It was a dark era for her where she was a victim leashed by her heart.

One of the reasons why Jules turned out like this was because of her own string of rejected confessions in the past. Young Jules proclaimed her love out loud for the world to hear, unabashed by the harsh criticism society might throw her way.

However, those declarations of affection were not met kindly.

Instead of turning her down nicely, those boys used it to mock her, leading her around as if her love was worth no more than a dollar.

Xavier's eyes were wide, stretched out like two full moons as they stared down at Jules. "Someone like me?" he repeated after her questioningly.

"Yes." My best friend jutted a finger right in the middle of Xavier's chest, her sharp fingernail poking him through the thin fabric of his shirt. Instinctively, Xavier took a step backward. "A person that is self-conceited, that is vain and cruel, that treats everyone around them as objects of entertainment. A person that laughs at situations because they're funny but would never stop to consider how the other person feels. A troublemaker, a flirt, and a bully. Someone exactly like you."

"Ouch." Harr winced at her words even though they weren't meant for him. "That's gotta hurt."

I peeked at the scene from behind Harr, watching as Jules's face flushed scarlet with annoyance. Xavier's lips had parted, ready to counter-argue. Yet, not a single word was spoken on his end. He froze, allowing Jules to send an onslaught of offensive slurs at him.

Once she was done, she simply withdrew her hand, clenching them into fists beside her body.

"Never speak to me again," she threatened.

In a huff like the wind, she was gone, retreated back into the school building.

I, along with the people that were watching the show, all remained in the courtyard. It was not every day we received the chance to see a god crumble from his pedestal. Today, there Xavier Park was, fallen to the ground when he was once in the skies.

With him, Jules's victim count went up to four in this week alone.

An eerie silence dragged on. For quite some time, not many people dared to speak up. Some stared blankly at Xavier's hunched figure, others whispered to their friends in hushed tones and reduced volumes. Ultimately, it took a teacher to step in and get everyone back to class had the crowd finally dispersed.

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