Chapter Twenty

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The Pep-Talk


"THAT WENT WELL," Harr scoffed as he listened to my recount of last night. The water in the spray bottle in his hands made swishing sounds as he waved his hands about, moving down the line of pots that sat in his living room.

"Tell me about it." Sighing, I grabbed one of the throw pillows on Harr's couch, smothering my face into the fabric. "It was a disaster. Everything we've worked for in these matchmaking sessions is soon going to be all for naught if Xavier doesn't do something about it."

The plastic bottle made a soft spritzing sound when Harr pressed down on the mechanism. With each movement of his fingers, dainty water droplets erupted from the spout, dancing about in the air before gently landing onto the vibrant jade leaves and merlot flower petals. They stayed on the surface like tiny jewels, catching the light of the afternoon sun with a brilliant sparkle.

"Well, the problem is sort of out of your hands now." Shrugging, Harr placed the bottle onto the coffee table before making his way over to the couches where I sat. He landed on the cushioned seats a little too abruptly, causing my body to jerk up slightly from the impact. "You can't take it upon yourself to solve all of their problems just because they're your friends."

"Yes, I know that, but I still feel responsible since I'm the one playing matchmaker here." I pouted.

Harr let out a bark of laughter, his shoulders rising and falling. The corners of his lips were stretched out, the corners of his eyes crinkling with his smile. Reaching out, he placed a hand on my head, petting me the same way one would pet a dog.

"It's already good enough that their relationship developed to this extent. A month ago, Jules wouldn't even spare Xavier a glance, much less willingly become his friend."

Those were simple words that Harr spoke, small and minuscule reminders that, in no way, helped the problem I was currently facing. Yet, it was enough to lift the dead weight off of my chest just by remembering that I had not taken steps back. Rather, I had taken more than enough steps forward. If it was meant to be, the two will find a way back to each other. If it wasn't, there was nothing I could do. It wasn't my duty to rewrite their fates— it was theirs.

"Thanks," I sighed, "I really needed that."

"Anytime." Pressing his palms against the edge of his seat, Harr used it as a means of support to push himself off the sunken couch. Back onto his feet again, he casually gestured at the kitchen, his head tilting sideways just a little. "Want some coffee? You still look half asleep. Not really a good look for anyone, no matter how attractive they originally are."

"Are you implying that I'm attractive?" I asked instantly, wiggling my eyebrows.

Harr rolled his eyes, shaking his head as he knew full well that he had walked into that trap on his own two feet. He stuck out his tongue childishly, wrinkling his nose in distaste before turning around to head to the kitchen.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, my dear." He threw the words over to me without even looking back, waving nonchalantly as if my teasing comment was nothing more than a fly buzzing about his ear.

I raised a hand to my lips to stifle my laughter, pressed against my mouth as I choked back my voice. However, whatever giggles that escaped were soon masked over by the loud ringing of Harr's doorbell. The bell didn't ring just once. Rather, it kept going on, the person outside no doubt pressing on the button without stopping.

I was already on my feet when Harr yelled for me from the kitchen. "Aiko! The door!"

The ringing had already stopped but that short burst of noise was enough to irritate me. Without bothering to look into the peephole, I unlocked the door before pulling it wide open, ready to spout profanities at whoever's standing on the other side. However, when I was met with the familiar physique of a broad back and sky blue hair, my complaints were stuffed back down my throat.

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