Chapter Eighteen

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The Birthday Boys


THE PARTY HAD already started without us when we finally arrived. For their combined birthday celebration, Harr and Xavier decided to hold it at a local club. The club sold non-alcoholic drinks every Monday to Thursday and that meant that the age restriction was dropped to allow for youths sixteen-years-old and over.

Mere days had passed since I had last seen Jules at the mall. However, there was something undeniably different about her today. Her outfit was bolder, brighter, louder than what she would usually wear. The makeup she chose also had more vibrant colors. It wasn't difficult to see the effort she had put into dressing up today. However, knowing Jules, the only person she was dressing to impress would probably be herself and no one else.

"They invited a ton of people!" Jules exclaimed in surprise, her eyes wide as she scanned the crowd of bodies mingling on the dance floor.

The strobe lights pulsed, colorful rays dancing on skins of variating shades. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that the two boys had invited half of our entire cohort. Xavier, after all, was no wallflower in school. There wasn't a single soul that didn't know who Xavier Park was.

Having foretold the enormous crowd that would no doubt show up, I rolled my eyes. Jules hadn't believed it when I first told her and my guess had been flawlessly correct.

"I told you so. These people are probably here because Xavier sent out an open invitation," I echoed my thoughts out loud. "The boys booked out the club just for their celebration. It serves the same purpose as any other house party now but with a lesser chance of receiving a noise complaint."

Jules darted her head about, bobbing up and down in an attempt to look over the heads and shoulders of the sea of people in front of us. When she couldn't find what she was looking for, she frowned, shoulders hunching over in dejection.

I quirked a smile. "Are you looking for Xavier?"

My best friend's grip on the bag in her hands tightened. The paper bag that held Xavier's and Harr's gifts crumpled slightly at the edges from the force, crinkling beneath her fingers. I watched silently, the corners of my lips only ever lifting more with each passing second. Finally, after a deep breath, Jules loosened her grip.

"Yes," she admitted bashfully. Red tinted the apples of her cheeks, making them even rosier than before when paired with the blush of her makeup. "Can I trouble you with passing Harr his gift for me? I know it's his birthday today and you're probably on the hunt for him since midnight is approaching. I can help you with Xavier's gift if you're pressed for time."

I shook my head. "No, it's alright. I can help you with Harr's but I don't mind searching for Xavier myself later on when the crowd dies down."

Wordlessly, Jules nodded. She handed the paper bag that contained Harr's gift to me which I took carefully. Holding it together with what I had gotten for him, I turned, ready to leave.

"I'll see you later?"

"Sure." Jules beamed brightly, "I'll text you."

We said our goodbyes and separated, each on a different mission to find the two birthday boys.


I couldn't find Harr anywhere.

My original assumption was that the crowd would flock to Xavier, making Harr open for the taking. As a person that was more comfortable with the shadows than the limelight, I thought that he could easily be found tucked away in some corner. As such, I avoided the dance floor and the bar, choosing to search in places where the light couldn't quite touch.

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