Chapter Eleven

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The Injured Leg


THE RAIN HAD stopped, leaving nothing but raindrops from the last shower on the glass windows. However, even so, the winds didn't relent. It continued to howl in the night, sending leaves and twigs to brush against the outer walls of the dormitories every few seconds. Even indoors, I could feel the chill of the night in my bones. The rain had left me drenched and there wasn't much of a heating system in the dorms since we're in the middle of summer.

Harr had gently settled me down on the edge of the bed, peeling my shoes and wet socks of my feet. I had protested, insisting that it was something I could do on my own but he left no room for argument. Instead, what I received was a round of chiding, something I very much deserved.

"You're injured. Who cares about being embarrassed!" Harr nagged.

My cheeks flushed scarlet.

"I do," I mumbled under my breath. "It's just a small accident. Nothing I can't deal with. There's no need for you to baby over me, Harr."

From the other side of the bed, Jules folded her arms across her chest. She hadn't been caught in the rain as badly as I had so she was still fairly dry. Yet, light drops of water speckled her hair, glistening under the silver rays of the moon that streamed in from the windows.

"Just let him fuss over you, Aiko. He was just yammering away to himself the entire time you were in the forest."

My chest warmed at the thought of Harr being worried for my wellbeing. Like Jules, he was a very precious and dear person in my life. It felt good to be prioritized and always placed as number one by certain people.

Harr was kneeled on the ground next to me, still slightly bent over from when he had helped me to remove my shoes. Since he was slightly lower than me, I easily placed a hand on his head, lightly ruffling his hair with a laugh. His red hair resembled threads of fire between my fingers. When it moved, the strands shined. He looked up, shock in his eyes at the sudden contact. Although his lips were parted, he made no indication he was about to speak anytime soon.

"Thanks, Harr," I whispered with a heartfelt smile. "But you don't have to worry about me. I can't bear the thought of my dear friends worrying about me all the time."

I quietened my voice, hands dropping off of the crown of Harr's head and returning to my side. My eyes focused on my lap, staring at the fabric of my clothing mindlessly.

"It makes me feel so useless," I admitted.

"People worry about you because they care, Aiko." Instantly I was pulled into a warm embrace. Jules's fragrant shampoo smothered me, her hair falling in soft cascades close to my face due to the hug.

"That's right." Harr nodded firmly. "Don't ever feel that way about yourself. You're not useless."

"Mmm..." I sighed into Jules's hair. "If only that's the case," I murmured.

The silence was broken when a loud cheer erupted from outside. It was from the direction of the forest and the cheers and whoops of the students could be heard echoing into the night.

"Ah." Harr stood up, slowly climbing back up to his feet before crossing the room to the windows. "They must've started the test of courage again since the rain stopped."

"Have you gone yet?" I asked, gently pushing Jules away by her shoulder so that I could look her in the eye.

She shook her head.

"No. They stopped it not long after you went in since storm clouds were gathering."

"You need to get back there before they send teachers up our asses. I'll take care of Aiko, don't you worry." Thumping a fist to his puffed-out chest, Harr wore a proud grin on his face. He flashed his pearly white teeth, eyes sparkling.

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