Chapter One

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The Daring Confession


THAT WAS THE third victim this week. I watched from the bench, elbows on the table and chin perched in the palms of my hands as yet another boy walked away from Jules. His head hung a little lower than it did when he walked towards her and that was enough of a sign to deduce that Jules had once again rejected yet another eligible bachelor.

The shade which the tree provided made his retreating figure even more gloomy than ever. It was a frightening sight how the matters of the heart had such an enormous impact on a person's conduct and composure.

My best friend, Jules Everett, was notorious for breaking hearts and her work never ended. In a school filled with desperate teenagers eager to find love, it was a minefield for her every day. Every small and insignificant action she did could cause boys and girls alike to fawn over her and seek her out.

This was especially true for boys that craved for kindness. Out of all the guys that I've ever witnessed confessing to Jules, the ones that mentioned her compassion when admitting their feelings came up the most often. There were some that liked that Jules was hard to get or others that took a liking to her just because she had a pretty face. More often than not, however, they always said the same thing.

"Your kindness made me fall for you." Or something along those lines.

Their problem was that they fell too fast and too hard just because someone treated them kindly. Then again, that could be said about most people in the world. It just served to show how messed up our entire society really was. Being treated badly was such a norm that once slight indulgence was offered, it'd turn the world upside down.

"You never get a break, do you?" Teresa asked, a mocking smile hanging from her lips as she slowly ate the food on her plate.

Lunch break was when most of these confessions would roll around. Eager for a show, my friends and I would often gather at the benches outside the classrooms at the back of the school. Since we were outside the main building, we didn't have to squeeze with the rest of the student body. The location also provided privacy for all of the people bracing themselves to confess to Jules.

That was the least bit of goodwill we could provide to these brave warriors.

"I appreciate the affection," Jules admitted as she sat down, sighing heavily. "It's just that they don't really live up to the standards I had in mind."

"And what was wrong with the last one?" This time, it was another member of our clique that spoke, Sarah. "He's pretty cute."

"Being pretty cute isn't going to suffice. Looks aren't everything, Sarah." Jules frowned.

"You're never going to find someone at this rate," warned Teresa.

"Didn't you want to get married by twenty-four?"

"If you're going to be so picky, you'll have to live out the rest of your lives with cats, dogs, and hamsters," I chimed in.

"You're one to talk, Aiko. I don't see anyone lining up to profess their love for you."

"Teresa, shut up."

A loud blare echoed through the school halls, signaling the dreaded end to our lunch break. As much as it meant an end to our period of relaxation, it also marked the finale of our daily entertainment.

"Show's over folks. Let's get back to class before the teachers start yapping." Sarah yawned loudly, stretching her arms over her head.

First to get out of my seat, I carried my tray in the direction of the main school building. Stepping out from our usual spot meant walking into range of the sun. It was merciless in the afternoon, painfully scorching my arms and heating up the metal food tray in my hands as my steps hastened.

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