Chapter Twenty-Six

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The Road Trip


IF JULES DECIDED to forgive somebody, she would let go of all her grudges. After all, her heart had always been soft, created so malleable that it was often taken advantage of. It was easy to seek her forgiveness if the mistake was small. However, if the mistake was repeated more than her limit, or the cut was too severe to be healed, Jules would become heartless.

Apparently, Xavier was still lucky enough to salvage their budding relationship. It returned to the way it was before in practically no time at all.

In fact, they seemed to be closer than ever before.

I sat next to the driver's seat at the front, occasionally spying through the rear-view mirror at Xavier's and Jules's flirtatious exchanges. They were harmless little gestures, caresses that lasted a little too long, a look that burned intensely, or smiles that bore secrets that their voices couldn't project. It was all so painfully obvious that they were both heads over heels for each other. Yet, neither of them spoke up. Not since that time Xavier had first proclaimed his affection for Jules before school ended.

Occasionally, whenever they got a little too close, I couldn't help myself but feel a jab of green jealousy, piercing through my heart like a silver sword. It was such an ugly sensation that I hated it.

If only we could choose who we fell in love with.

Despite all that, I knew where the story would end. Even if Jules and Xavier didn't get their happily-ever-after, there was no room for me to butt in. Aiko Lee didn't belong in the equation.

Unable to take the suffocating atmosphere, I rolled down my window, desperate to let some fresh air in so that I could finally breathe again. Immediately, I was hit by a wave of salty sea air, the breeze catching the smell of the ocean and allowing it to waft through the gap I had created. The scent was accompanied by the sound of rolling waves, music created by the gentle rise and fall of the tides. Tall trees and skyscrapers slowly melded into rustic beach houses and small shrubs that merely lined the side of the road. Mountains receded and made way for miles of golden sand, each grain leading to a sea of cerulean blue that sparkled under the sun.

We had been on the road for quite some time and it seemed like we were finally nearing our destination.

Right after all was right again between Jules and Xavier, a trip was planned for us to get away from the boundaries of our little town. Xavier had suggested staying overnight the next town over, maybe do some camping. Yet, it was Harr's idea to head to the beach, much to Jules's dismay. The sun and saltwater disagreed with her but with how excited everyone looked, it seemed like Jules didn't have it in her to say 'no' in the end.

We decided to rent a beach villa to stay in for two nights in the next town over, one that was blessed with gleaming shores and sparkling waters as opposed to Riverside Creek's rolling hills and thriving forests. The rent was cheap, a decent amount that could be paid off easily with our hard-earned money from odd jobs. Paired with such prime scenery, it seemed almost too good to be true.

"We must be near," Xavier idly commented, his head resting against the glass of the window as he peered out at the beach beyond. "I think I can spot some of the beach villas from here."

By my side, Harr reached out to tap a few times at the display screen at the front, quickly glancing at the GPS system before turning back to the road. There was a relieved smile in his tired eyes, most likely more than glad that we no longer had to spend time on the road, uncomfortable and cramped.

A Guide on How to Love Jules EverettWhere stories live. Discover now