Chapter Fourteen

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The Unexpected Guest


THE NEXT MONDAY came by faster than a bolt of lightning. In a flash, the events that transcended during the short camping trip we had were buried, laid forgotten deep in people's hearts and minds. Whatever fun-filled memories and melancholic experiences weren't heard of again, a strange phenomenon considering how we were all a bunch of gossipy youths.

For someone like me who was jobless and planless, I would've spent every morning in bed until the sun was high in the sky, signaling the coming of noon. However, somehow, at seven-thirty in the morning, I had been pried from the comforts of my bed. Still dressed in my pajamas and wearing signs of exhaustion on my face, I reached for the doorknob of my front door, yawning.

The doorbell had gone off a minute or two ago and it hasn't stopped ringing since. Unable to sleep with the ruckus, I was forced to deal with whoever was at the door.

When I finally unlocked it, pulling it open just a little to peek outside, I was surprised to see Jules standing there. She was dressed in her usual work attire, simple dark jeans and a black t-shirt, but what stood out was that she held an extra paper bag in her hands.

"Oh, it's you." Seeing that it was none other than Jules, I opened the door a little wider.

"Good morning. Sorry to disturb you so early, Aiko," Jules greeted sheepishly. Then, she raised the bag in her hand. "I need a favor. I'll make it up to you, promise."

"What are you doing here so early, Jules?" I whined, rubbing at my eyes. "Are you headed to work?"

"Yeah. I need you to help me pass this to Xavier. You might be meeting with Harr later, right? Since you're always over at his place anyway."

"Maybe. It's too early in the morning to decide. I might have to stay in to finish a commission, though." I raised a hand to my lips, stifling a yawn before smacking my lips together a few times. "What is it that you need to pass to him? Can't you just do it at work?"

She shook her head. "Can't. He's not working this week, according to the schedule." Jules lightly shoved the paper bag that she held onto my hands, gesturing to the contents inside. "It's Xavier's jacket. He loaned it to me on the last day of camp. I've already washed and dried it so just help me pass it to him and..."


"And..." Jules's voice dropped to a soft murmur, "help me thank him."

Jules's cheeks were scarlet, a bright burning rosy red that rivaled the brightening sky outside and the yolky golden sun. Though she wore a pout, it certainly held no malice. All traces of animosity from before had disappeared without a single trace. The sight made me grin, lips curling upwards as I leaned against the doorframe.

"You know, the local summer festival is coming up again rather soon. It starts in a few days if I'm not mistaken. I'm planning on asking Harr to tag along with us this year. Should I invite Xavier to join as well?" I asked, a sly grin shaping my lips.

If it were even possible, Jules's cheeks turned even redder. She resembled a ripe apple, blushing as she pursed her lips shut.

"Erm..." She stuttered, caught off guard by my sudden question. Then, she quickly recovered by following up with a string of quick words. "Do whatever you want. I've to get going. Don't want to be late for work! Thanks again!"

With my laughter sprinkled around the atmosphere, Jules dashed away down the corridor, swiftly disappearing into the elevator of my apartment building. She had escaped the scene before I could slip in another teasing word, sprinting away with cheeks flushed scarlet and steam practically bellowing out of her ears. Even after her figure was long gone, I couldn't help but chuckle to myself.

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