Chapter Twelve

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The Campfire Night


A HOOT OF cheers only sent the flames of the campfire higher up into the skies. A roar of laughter tore through the heavens, followed by whoops of delight that rivaled the deafening thunder of storms.

Since it was the last night of our short camping trip, the teachers had set up a blazing bonfire to celebrate. It raged, burning brightly, brilliantly, dazzling like a shower of embers. From where I sat, I could still feel the heat of the flames licking at my skin. Summer had never been warmer than at this moment. Accompanied by the fire, the heat from my surroundings might just be enough to roast me alive.

The bench I rested on was just a short distance away from the table that held snacks and drinks. A crowd had gathered there long ago, all indulging in the delicious treats brought forth by the contributing classmates. They were all self-made and delectable. Of course, some other students in our cohort had tried to sneak in sabotaged food but they were all caught by the teachers before anyone actually ate them.

I had in my hands a cup of fruit punch, its fruity, sweet scent wafting into my nose before I even took a sip of it. The cold liquid had started to go warm from my own body heat but sitting alone, with my friends off to who-knows-where, I didn't even feel a single inch like losing myself in the party fever.

"What's with the long face?" A familiar voice called from above and I instinctively raised my head. My gaze collided with Xavier's, meeting his now-green eyes that held a teasing smile in them.

He wore a slouchy white t-shirt, simple, yet neat and tidy without a single crease in the fabric. It was tucked into a pair of jeans that were folded a little at the hems. His overall appearance was so casual and simple that for a second I had forgotten where we were. 

We had the afternoon of the last camp day all to ourselves. Sometime after noon, Harr and Xavier had disappeared and no one could find them anywhere. Now, seeing Xavier with his brown hair bleached and dyed into a soft, powdery, baby blue did I finally understand what they had been up to for the last few hours.

"I'm bored," I flatly replied. "Harr and Jules disappeared somewhere with a teacher and they've been gone ever since. It's not exactly a party when you're without your friends and with an injured leg weighing you down."

"True," Xavier agreed. He slowly lowered himself down onto the bench, seated right beside me. He was so close that our knees touched, my skin searing from the contact. However, I was so sure that I was the only one that felt that bit of heat. "But I'm here now, aren't I?"

"You?" My lips quirked up in a smile. "I don't know about that, Xavier. Are you my friend?"

Xavier's reply was nearly immediate. "Do you want me to be?"

My tongue darted out, lightly skimming my bottom lip for a second before nibbling gently on it. We weren't friends, we were business partners. I wanted to help Jules find her Mr. Right while Xavier hoped to be that Mr. Right. That was how deep our relationship went. Yet, my heart throbbed at his question.

Nevertheless, I didn't get a chance to reply. Xavier had already spoken, crushing my train of thoughts before they even dared to dream of a conclusion. He stretched his hands over his head, yawned for a bit, then rested them back on his thighs again, fists clenched.

"Whatever your reply is going to be, for all it's worth, I think you're a pretty good friend, Aiko."

My cheeks flushed bright hot, practically steaming at this point and I wasn't sure if it was just from the fire or the summer heat. Xavier's words made my heartbeat erratic and I tried my very best to keep that concealed.

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