Chapter Five

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The Best Friend


AS USUAL, I was late for our get-together. It had already been long past noon, the time that we had agreed upon to meet at the local shopping mall.

The week had flown past like a breeze. In that time, I dedicated most of my days to art, desperately filling up my online portfolio with more pieces. While the progress was slow, my numbers had also started to grow. The social media platform that I had created months ago was starting to build up. Every day, more and more people looked forward to seeing the drawings that I could concoct.

On the off-time I had taken away from slaving by at my desk, I would be helping Xavier with simple questions. Sometimes, he would ask about other ways to impress Jules. Others, he might even report his progress for the day.

However, today was a special day in which I could finally take a break from both of my standard duties. Since Jules wasn't working, Xavier had also requested to take a leave of absence. That meant that I need not answer to his questions for at least a whole twenty-four hours.

When I arrived at the shopping mall, Jules was already there. She leaned against a pillar, her phone in hand and earbuds stuck into her ears. She seemed oblivious to the world around her and it was only when I had tapped her shoulder had she raised her head and turned back.

"Aiko!" She beamed brightly, quickly removing her earbuds.

"Sorry I'm late, Jules." Grinning sheepishly, I scratched at the back of my neck. "The traffic was horrible."

"The traffic is always horrible whenever you're meeting me." My best friend rolled her eyes, carefully keeping her phone into her bag before tightening her grip around its straps. "So, where to?"

"There's this new cafe that I've heard about and really wanted to try." Wiggling my eyebrows, I tried my best to persuade her, "Wanna give it a try?"

"It's your choice, Aiko." Immediately, Jules started to walk and I hastened to catch up. Leading the way, I steered her towards the cafe I was talking about, knowing that she would agree. Then, she confirmed my assumptions. "You know I'm not picky."

Thankfully, even though it was the lunch rush hour, there weren't too many people crowding about the cafe. The line was short and sweet, easily allowing us to be seated at a table without too long of a wait. As we looked at the menu, I could barely even stop myself from salivating all over the table. The images of the food were all beautifully depicted, seemingly delectable beyond reason. Although I knew for a fact that I wouldn't be able to finish all the food, I still caved in and ordered two main dishes, much to Jules's dismay.

"You're not seriously going to eat two separate main courses, are you?" She stared at me, lips curled into a doubtful look as she sipped at the hot mocha she ordered.

"Jules, I am a growing child." I picked up the fork that had been long prepared on the table, waving about. Then, I placed a hand on my chest, speaking in an exaggerated manner. "I need to eat in order to grow."

"I'm surprised you've not eaten a hole through your pocket yet," she quietly murmured into her drink, delicately sipping at the hot liquid before setting her cup down.

"Close to doing so," I cheerfully replied, blatantly displaying ignorance at her supposedly offensive comment.

One by one, our food started to arrive at the table. Glorious and mouth-watering dishes were served, accompanied by some simple sides like garlic bread and sweet potato fries. Eagerly, I picked up my fork, digging into the scrumptious food as if I were a starved animal.

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