Chapter Six

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The School Trip


THE FIRST MONTH of our summer holidays passed by in a flash. The days spent rolling about doing the things we love had always passed us by faster than when doing something we had no interest for. That was how my time danced away like the breeze, leading us to yet another school activity that had been planted smack in the middle of our holidays.

Riverside High School had the tradition of organizing a summer camp for their soon-to-be seniors. It was described by the students before us as 'the time of our lives' or even 'the last true bonding session you'll have in your high school career'. Personally, I thought that it was a way for the school's administration to leech more money out of their students since this camp was a compulsory four-days-three-nights event that costed quite a bit of money to attend.

Nevertheless, it was a great way for me to monitor my progress as the cupid in Jules's and Xavier's budding romance. With Sarah and Teresa out of the country and unable to attend due to family commitments, Jules wouldn't have an excuse to not hang out with Harr and Xavier. Groups for certain activities were made in fours and we needed the numbers.

On the bus ride to our camping location, Jules was already asleep. We had gathered at school at the crack of dawn, setting out early so that we could arrive on time for the activities planned. Knocked out from her fatigue at work and rising early, Jules jumped at the chance to finally get some rest. Once we got onto the bus and found our seats, she was off to the dream world.

I climbed onto my seat, kneeling on it with my hands pressed against the backrest. Leaning over, I found Xavier asleep as well, leaning against the bus windows with his jacket covering his eyes. Harr was one of the only ones awake on the bus, earpieces in and elbow propped against the armrest, chin resting on the back of his hand.

To get his attention, I waved, swatting my hand in front of his face. He blinked once in surprise, then slowly peeled his earpieces off. I could faintly hear the music that was coming from the device but he swiftly switched it off.

"Did Xavier mention anything about the last month?" I asked. Folding my arms on the top of the headrest, I perched my chin on my hands, waiting eagerly for Harr's reply.

"Wouldn't you know?" He instantly retorted, folding the wire of his earpieces carefully before tucking them into a small pouch. "I've seen him reporting to you quite a number of times."

I pinched my lips together, frowning. "Yeah, but he only ever asks questions. He doesn't tell me much about what is happening between the two of them."

Harr scoffed. "You should ask him yourself. I can't believe that we've not seen each other in nearly a whole month and the first thing you ask is about someone else." Rolling his eyes, he leaned forward a little, stretching his arms before flicking me right in the forehead.

I yowled in pain, recoiling immediately. Grasping at my forehead, I threw Harr a scowl. There was a grin on his face, dimples etching in his cheeks as his tongue ran over his teeth. He seemed a little too satisfied with his own actions.

"It's because you do things like this every time we meet. What's the point in being nice to you, honestly?"

The smirk on Harr's lip stretched. "Haven't you heard? Apparently, if boys like you, they'd do anything they can to tease you."

"That's got to be the most messed up tale we've all grown up with." I pouted, sourly rubbing my forehead to ease the pain.

Our journey continued with more light-hearted banter, just playful conversations that held no particular depth. Somewhere in the middle, I got tired of kneeling on the seat and decided to pull Harr along in search of a new one. Sat side by side in an unoccupied seat at the back of the bus, we continued our chatter.

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