Chapter Fifteen

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The Tumble in the Sheets


WHEN THE DATE finally arrived for us to head down to the local annual summer festival, I was a bunch of nerves. My heart palpitated with a mixture of anxiety and sheer excitement. It had been a while since the camp, which meant that Jules and Xavier didn't get much of a chance to interact in the recent days. With Xavier sending in schedules that didn't quite match up with Jules, they hadn't had a chance to meet at work at all. This meant that Jules reaction towards him might be lukewarm when they meet at the festival, shy at best.

I had been waiting over at Harr's for hours, already changed and prepped long ago. Since Harr was the only one out of the four of us that had a car and could drive it, we were all tagging along with him. On the way, we would be picking up Xavier and Jules respectively before heading to the location of the festival.

However, while I was long ready, we were still unable to leave the house because Harr couldn't settle on what to wear despite rummaging through the entirety of his closet. He had thrown on outfits one after another yet nothing seemed to catch his eye. He was already on his seventh outfit. This time, it was a simple white t-shirt with a red flannel thrown over along with a pair of acid wash ripped jeans. A black fang necklace hung from his neck, swinging as he moved.

"I have nothing to wear!" He whined, throwing his hands up into the air before slamming back down onto the bed, falling backward. Unfortunately, that was where I waited for him. As a result, he landed right on my back, squishing me flat against the bed.

The sudden impact sent air rushing out of my lungs as I heaved, hacking away. "Get off me! I can't breathe."

His large body was sprawled across mine, pinning me down as I squirmed about in hopes of worming my way out towards freedom. However, my actions only caused me to lose both my breath and exhaust my energy. I was simply no match for Harr.

"You sound like a girl," I pointed out, tilting my head back so that I could look over my shoulder at the man that pressed against me. "We're going to be late at this rate."

Unbothered by my comment, Harr flipped around. His arms wrapped themselves around my torso, his legs dangling off the side of the bed while the upper half rested on mine perfectly except for the bend at his hips. His face was right on my head, pressed against the strands of my hair and his broad chest was pressed against my back. He was hugging me as if I were a teddy bear, something he could just keep in his hold without hearing a single protest.

That, however, was where he was mistaken.

"Whatever," he murmured. Harr's words were smothered out, his breath fanning over the nape of my neck. It tickled my skin and I could feel my goosebumps rising promptly. "Is it too late to say that I don't really wanna go to the festival? I just want to stay at home and watch a good movie with you."

Reaching my hand up, I grabbed one of his pillows by the corners, twisting my body before slamming it down on Harr's back. Alas, my plan was foiled by his quick-thinking. Before the pillow even made contact with his body, he grasped my wrist in his large hands, holding it firmly before flipping me over, making me yelp in surprise.

The sheets rustled below us as we moved, crinkling even further from the toss. In the end, I was held prisoner, my feet tangled with the duvet while the rest of my body was held down by Harr's sheer strength.

I laid there facing up this time, chest still heaving as I dropped the pillow on the bed. My hands were held above my head by the wrists, Harr's face dangerously close to mine, so much so that I could see a sparkle of mischief in his eyes. His hazel irises were rimmed with golden sunlight, staring intently at me, so much so that I could feel it scorching into my soul.

"You should've thought that through, huh?" He teased, grinning broadly.

My face burned with embarrassment at his words, tinted red with slight anger as I pouted. "Would've worked if you hadn't squeezed the life out of me beforehand by using me as a landing pad." I stuck my tongue out childishly at him, squirming.

"Maybe I should've hugged you a little longer," he murmured under his breath.

If said properly, his reply could've contained his usual humor in them. However, Harr had spoken in a tone that was barely louder than a breathy whisper, his tone foreign to my ears. I had never heard him so quiet and so lost in thought. There was nothing laughable about his words but it still made my heart skip a beat nevertheless.

His comment caught me by surprise and I blinked dumbly at him. My eyes were widened to a size much larger than usual, simply staring at Harr and his words that I had not seen coming. Yet, despite my no doubt bewildered expression, Harr's smile was gone and it remained stoic. He continued to stare, his gaze fixated on me for a time longer than what I was comfortable with. Even though my mind was wild with thoughts, my lips didn't cooperate. They refused to move, declined to speak. I was left speechless and blankly gaping at Harr, who in turn, stared back.

In the end, he was still the first one to break that silence between us. His grip on my wrists loosened, fingers relaxing before ultimately releasing me from its hold. He climbed back to his knees fairly quickly, kneeling by the foot of the bed with his face flushed scarlet.

I was so sure that my face matched his own in terms of vibrant color.

"We... We should go." Without another word, Harr climbed off the bed and grabbed his car keys from his desk before scampering out of the room.

I watched his figure from the bed, still a little too stunned to move. The bedsheets were disheveled from that tumble, curling around my body as I continued to gawk at the direction where Harr had disappeared past. Ultimately, I was left with but a single thought in my mind.

What the hell just happened?

What the hell just happened?

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