The Heroes Association

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We meet when Saitama had finished fighting Sonic, with whom, he realizes that he was not recognized by anyone, despite having defeated countless threats in the past, apparently no one knew that he had done such feats, for people only he was a bald man in a ridiculous suit.

Saitama was back in his apartment with his disciple sitting in front of him, besides, it was already dark.

Genos: "Sonic speed of sound"? Who is he? What kind of person would have such a redundant name?

Saitama: I don't know, he just came out of nowhere, said we were rivals and left.

Genos: Sensei, if you want I can take care of him...

Saitama: You don't do better, besides, what are you doing here? Go home, it's not like we have a relationship.

Genos: Sensei, I'm here to be stron...

Saitama: Shut up!!!... Today's incidents made me realize a big problem... And I still haven't recovered...

Genos: A problem? For someone as great as you?! Tell me what the problem is sensei please!

Saitama took a deep breath and exclaimed

Saitama: No one knows me... For a long time I have defeated various kaijin and evil organizations and no one has recognized me, isn't it strange that I don't have a fan club or something?!!, In the village they confused me with a terrorist, they forgot all the other things he had done...- He said with a despondent tone-.

Genos: Sensei! Are you in the register of the hero association?

Saitama: Huh?

After that talk, they looked for the hero association page on a laptop and read the statement with which they made it clear that if they were not in the association's registry, no heroic act would be recognized for Saitama, and instead of That would make him look crazy...

Saitama: Wow... I had no idea...---he said with a dejected tone---. Genos, are you registered?

Genos: No, should I?

Saitama: That's right! Genos, sign up with me and I'll agree to be your teacher.--I exclaim with more encouragement--.

Genos: That's a good plan.--he said, with a cheerful tone.--

A few days later they were in an association shelter ready to start the exam tests, where, there were many aspiring heroes with very colorful and flashy costumes, different complexions and abilities, the staff that qualified the performance of the heroes in the tests, and, also a couple of Class A heroes, who would give a talk to the applicants who passed, also, some class B who were there as security while they could spectate the new candidates to be heroes, among them, a girl who had a very athletic and defined body, a tight sleeveless sports shirt, a ponytail and 3 medals hung from her neck for different prizes in competitions, she looked very excited to see the performance of the future heroes... .

Saitama was there, with his sculpted body without any gram of body fat, dressed only in a blue thong and with his usual poker face...

The others saw Saitama who, although he was in shape, his body still looked slim compared to several of them, who were much more muscular than him, but they would be very surprised to see the performance of that bald man in a blue thong Seeing how he was breaking all the records for all the tests in the physical, from lateral jumps, weightlifting, ball throw, 300m run, vertical jump, Strength Meter, everything he was doing so well that he destroyed a couple of machinery in the process, discouraging those present and, also, not being able to conclude the exam due to the aforementioned, but they were not the ones who were so shocked with what their eyes showed them... Mizuki who was looking at the back of the Domo, could see the exploits of the bald man, excited to see someone so strong, he hoped that Saitama would be selected for an S or A rank, because he knew he deserved it...

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