The Dark Matter Pirates I

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Another day in Z City, Saitama was sleeping peacefully on his futon, the morning light came through the window blinds, everything seemed calm around him, while Genos as usual was preparing lunch with his apron, When Saitama woke up He stared at the ceiling for a while, watching time go by as if nothing had happened, although he had a small thought in mind, that little conversation he had yesterday with Swim...

Saitama: (Why am I a hero?... I've been saying for a long time that I'm a hero for fun but I think it's not a valid reason anymore... After all, I haven't felt such emotion in a fight for a long time ...It's not about the money either, Genos pays for most things anyway and what I earn isn't enough for almost anything... So?... Protecting people is fine but most of them hate me ... But... Who can judge them?... Maybe that's it, protecting others... Protecting those you love... Although... I don't know if there is someone who falls into that category. .. I think Genos is the closest... But to say that the reason I'm a hero is to "protect Genos" would be quite... Weird...)

After getting so entangled in his thoughts he heard a knock on the door of his room, it was Genos with some important news.

Genos: Sensei, breakfast is ready.

Saitama: Well, I'm on my way.

Saitama had finally gotten up from his futon to eat breakfast, he left his room and sat on one side of the table while Genos finished serving everything and then sat in front of his Sensei like every day to analyze his behavior and see if he can discover the origin of his strength, even though he was just having a simple breakfast.

Saitama: Hey Geno.

Genos: What's wrong Sensei?

Saitama: The reason you became a hero was to...

Genos: To gather information about that crazy Cyborg who destroyed my home village... That was why...

Saitama: So what you want is revenge... right?...

Genos: That's right master.

Saitama: And when you get her what you want, what will you do next?

Genos was thinking a little... He had never asked himself that question.

Genos: The truth is... I don't have any answer to give you Sensei...

Saitama: Don't worry, you don't have to give it to me... I think I'm in the same situation.

Genos: You had told me that you were a hero for fun and that you were looking for someone to revive your passion for fighting... So you are telling me that you don't know what you will do when that day comes?

Saitama: Something like that... I've been wondering that since yesterday, so I haven't had much time to reflect... Maybe I should just wait for it to be revealed to me or something...

Genos: I hope to be there when the time comes, maybe I'll learn something new from you and find my next target.

Saitama: It's no big deal Genos, let's not think about it... So... What time did the old man meet us at his dojo?

Genos: Noon.

Saitama: And it's the?...

Genos 10:30

Saitama: Well, I think I have time to take a bath... Oh right, Genos, could you contact Swim? Tell him to come 11:30, Bang's bulldog is a bit far and I don't think he can keep up with us.

Genos: Don't worry Sensei, I'll take care of it.


Saitama had already finished bathing, he had put on his hero costume and there was still half an hour left to go out, so he was going to lie down in the living room to read some manga before leaving, but at that moment someone had knocked on the door. gate...

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