Dark Matter Pirates III

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At the end of Boros's metamorphosis, he shot towards his opponents covered in the blue light emanating from part of his latent energy, Tatsumaki was quick to respond by doing the same, but with the difference that she was imbued with his psychic energy with which he emanated an emerald-colored light. Both collided with each other at high speed forming trails of light due to the explosion of energy that each impact caused and during the process, they destroyed the columns that were in the room, sending debris flying everywhere, apparently the fight was even for now, It was an impressive confrontation, it was like a light show...

Saitama: Well... I think I'll just wait here... -/He said, heading towards the throne of Boros to sit and watch/-

Apparently Saitama hadn't been invited to the fight...

Boros: You had the guts to come at me like it was nothing...

Tatsumaki: Who would be afraid of a freak? You just make me feel sorry for you like all your trashy fleet, they're as easy to kill as you...

Boros: You have a lot of ego with you... I think you shouldn't underestimate everything you see... Anyway, you need Saitama's help to deal with all my elite warriors.

Tatsumaki: I didn't need that ape at all, he was just there to get in the way, if he hadn't come all this would have ended much faster... He's someone else from the bunch of mediocre people around me, all just as weak as you

Boros: Hahahaha... You're not serious, right?

Tatsumaki: Did I say something funny?

Boros: I think you haven't realized the great power that Saitama possesses... When they first entered this compound, I couldn't even measure the power that Saitama carries with him, instead, you little wait... I can't denying that your power is impressive... But... Apparently your ego prevents you from seeing your own limits... It doesn't fit in your little head that there are people who can trample on you at any moment... All your arrogance makes you It's going to take its toll at some point and I think you won't have to wait long for it... let me tell you that the conclusion of our fight is already defined... You are someone weaker than me... Someone who is destined to the defeat...

It was from one moment to another... He didn't even feel anything... Boros's arm had been ripped from him... This had been the work of the esper who after listening to Boros's long sermon... She didn't like being insulted like that... So she decided to start taking everything she had out of herself... Moving the scales to the side of the green-haired girl

Tatsumaki: Why should I keep listening to such a boring sermon? Don't worry... I'll make your death slow and painful...

Boros: Unbelievable... Even with this power... You've somehow managed to keep up with me... You have merit, but, that won't save you from me... Looks like I'll have to go serious with you...

Tatsumaki: You know what?... I don't like people who brag about their strength at all...

Tatsumaki had closed her fist trying to compress Boros's body as she did with that Z city train, leaving him immobile, feeling how a force was pushing him inside himself...

Boros: You seem to be working really hard, I haven't felt such pain in a long time!... But if you'll excuse me, I don't intend to stand still any longer...

Boros attacked again, his intention to kill the esper increased, although his fight was amusing him... he was not going to let himself be defeated as if nothing had happened... He fought with only his fists, although Tatsumaki covered herself with psychic shields, she committed the mistake of receiving each of the cyclops' blows, wearing down her power little by little... Tatsumaki was getting tired of his opponent's stubbornness, so she decided to do his Psychic Whirlwind ability causing her psychic waves to go in a circle, forming a tornado that began to open a hole in the roof of the ship, which was composed of an alloy so resistant that it withstood some normal blows from Saitama... The large room was almost unrecognizable , now there were only remains floating by the force of the air, Boros could not stay on a solid surface thanks to the tornado, but that did not stop him... He was jumping between the pieces of his ship attacking the green-haired lady with tackles, to she found it more and more difficult to attack and defend at the same time, now she realized that with each hit she received, she weakened, this alien apparently hadn't been bragging about his power...

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