Saitama's New Disciple

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Saitama and Genos were in a kind of classroom where the seminar would be given by the class A hero Rank 38 Snake...

Snake: Congratulations on passing

Saitama and Genos remained silent

Snake: Now to be honest one of you barely made it through, so unless you want your luck to go away I hope to see you giving it your all... AND DON'T BE HAMMERING YOU GET?!! Keep your hero certification in mind!! I hope you'll act humble from now on!! .---He said with a high and threatening tone of voice--. After all their faces will appear on the association page... Did you hear me? That big head on your shoulders will be shown to everyone, if they don't want to humiliate themselves... .---Jumping onto the desk in front of him, he started doing his battle poses like a snake, but, Saitama he was just with his poker face paying no attention to it and just making bubbles of gum until he made one so big that it burst on him covering his entire face with gum, worrying his disciple a little.

Genos: Sensei... .—he exclaimed with a slight touch of concern and handing him a handkerchief to clean himself.---

Snake: Being class A I have influence in the decisions of the association so those who are irresponsible... will lose points and be demoted!!! Have I been clear?!! .-Screaming--.While Snake just shouted, Saitama focused on something extremely important... "what am I having for dinner today?" thinking.

After leaving the seminar Saitama and Genos were on their way home and during that journey Genos reminded him that he was now Saitama's disciple, he had forgotten about it but still confirmed it, although leaving him somewhat worried about what he could teach him. to that cyborg knowing that he can't improve through physical training like him, and, he thought that he would take it badly if he tried to teach them that, so for the time being he just continued on his way and thinking about what had happened that day.

Saitama was walking by a lake...

Saitama: I guess I'll think about what to teach Genos later, today I just want to rest from all day... class C huh? So if I get to the top of class C, then I'll go up to class B... and class A is above that... and class S is even higher... I guess Genos is awesome... now that I remember, I also met a class B today I think her name was Mizuki... I wonder how strong she is, her body was in shape and she looked strong and it was kind of nice.—he thought with his usual boring tone-- . I hope to outrank her soon... or who knows, maybe this isn't the kind of hero I wanted to be...

Snake came out of the grass by the river trying to take our newly ranked C-class hero by surprise.

Snake: The rookie seminar isn't over! .- he said as he jumped and somersaulted landing on his feet in front of Saitama--. Some of the established Heroes don't like to be outclassed so we crush the rookies... with moves like this!!!! .—slapping Saitama on the cheek who couldn't even feel it....Snake was on the ground in a small crater made by Saitama when he hit him slightly but knocked him out

Saitama was in the middle of a field in the middle of some mountains at the request of his disciple in order to test his abilities.Genos: Thanks for accepting my strange request.

Saitama: Don't worry, I mean, accept being your teacher... Is it okay here?

Genos: Perfect!

Saitama: So we're not going to fight seriously right?

Genos: That's what I had in mind... but I want him to fight seriously and in return I'll also give everything I have... please sensei .---he said getting ready to attack--.

Heat energy began to emanate from Genos's body, turning part of his armor red hot, ready to land the first blow, Genos took out some thrusters from his back, shooting at full speed with a kick directly to his sensei's face where he was I can dodge it without major complications... Genos taking out two more propellers from the palms of his hands began to make a spinning attack with his feet at a very high speed but Saitama only limited himself to dodging, leaving a slight sound of astonishment at seeing the speed of his disciple was very outstanding. 

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