Bombs, Crabs and Trains

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Saitama and Genos were heading towards the city train station where they were where Genos was carrying several boxes of crabs with him in his arms, while Saitama was carrying some bags with vegetables inside, besides being eager to eat those crabs, you could noticing with the growl his stomach made

Saitama: Today we are going to eat like kings! I can't believe you got so many crabs. -/ he said this with a tone of great emotion /-

Genos: It was a gift from the association as an incentive for my work as a hero, and since I'm not very used to eating, I think you'll enjoy this more than me.

Saitama: Well you thought right, I think my teachings have been of some use.

Genos: Yes, your wisdom has helped me a lot with the progress of my power, I can feel the improvement with all the notes and notes that I have from your Sensei lessons.

Saitama: Keep it up and I have no doubt that you will reach the top ten of the S class very soon.

Genos: I will make you proud of my Saitama Sensei.

They had already arrived at the station, where a fast train would take them to the main station of Z city, already being up, the train left the station, it seemed like a perfect day for Saitama, nothing would stop him from eating crabs, not even a bomb ... Or maybe if...

Genos: Oh by the way, do you remember that S-Class hero named Silver Fang?

Saitama: I don't think so...

Genos: He's an old man with white hair who has a karate dojo in Z City

Saitama: I'm sorry Genos, I still can't remember...

Genos: He was the one with whom he played rock-paper-scissors...

Saitama: (That bastard...) I think the memory already came to mind... -/ You could see throbbing veins protruding from his face /-

(For more references see "One punch man specials chapter 4 and 5")

Genos: Well, he informed me that he wants us to visit his dojo one day since he's going to show us something "Cool" for us.

Saitama: Something "Great"... I don't know Genos, I think I don't feel like going, he's going to try to get us to join his dojo like before

Genos: You're right Sensei, I'll let you know that we're not interested in your invitation, dojo, or food.

Saitama: Fo..od?

Genos: Yes, he said that if we accept his invitation he would prepare a juicy Steak for each of us, but as I said, I am not used to eating and you have shown me that you would not lower yourself for a miserable meal either...

Saitama: But Genos... I think we have to give him another chance

Genos: But why Sensei?

Saitama: Listen carefully Genos... (Come on make something up... It must sound convincing! Something deep... Anything!)Look at Genos when...

At that moment Genos's phone started to ring.

Genos: Sorry to interrupt your wisdom Sensei but I'm called from the association, give me a second.

Genos answered the call...

Genos: Yes?

???: Am I talking to the S-class hero Genos?

Genos: Yes, that's me...

???: Well, I wanted to contact you since we have received reports about a bomb...

Genos: what? A bomb?

Association: Yes, we have received a report from the hero Heavy Cong, one of the criminals he had caught, the Sirial Boomer, said that he already planted a bomb on a train headed for Z City...

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