Rising star

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It's been a long time since the last update uhI have nothing to say, I was just lazy lmao

As you already know, tell me if I write something, without more to say


After waiting so long, the great Superfight tournament was about to start, the first matches were going to take place soon, the whole crowd was excited, there was a whole euphoric atmosphere around, with thousands of eyes on the competitors, one was It could make you nervous, but that didn't affect almost any of the competitors, sure of their skills and combat techniques... Except for Sourface, who leaned against a wall at the entrance of the competitors, talking to himself, trying to calm the nerves he had.

Sourface: Take a deep breath... Everything will be fine... e-everything will be fine... -His voice was shaky...-

Saitama: "Old" is just saying... (Although I'm surprised he's younger than me...)

Lin Lin: Hey, calm down Sourface, I don't think nerves help you when it comes to fighting

Sourface: Who said I was nervous?! I'm not nervous at all!

Lin Lin: It's okay... Whatever you say...

Saitama was trying to calm Sourface down with a couple of pats on the back, but, an unknown voice tried to get his attention, it was a competitor named zackos...

Zackos: Hey, you, you use an unknown style, right? So you're a rookie who tries to underestimate martial arts? I recommend that you retire if you don't want me to tear you to pieces... -He was trying to sound intimidating ...-

Saitama: Well, you heard it Sourface, what are you going to do?

Sourface: I was telling you, Charanko!... Look, you can't even put the belt on correctly, I can't believe that after so long you don't know how to tie it... -He helped Saitama to tie it correctly-

Zackos: The Superfight tournament is for the best representatives of each fighting style, it is not a place for rookies to play.

Sourface: Not a rookie, he uses the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist .

Lin Lin: Huh? But if you use Master Bang's style, why did you put "Carbonated Water Fist"?...

Saitama: I better answer you later...

Zackos: So I understand, the level of Master Bang's dojo has dropped too much...

Sourface: Don't talk nonsense! Master Bang's dojo is still the most prestigious among the different styles of martial arts!

Zackos: Times change Sourface... Bang was supposed to be among the tournament judges, but he canceled at the last minute... The man they considered the best fighter... Now he's obsessed with playing the hero...

Sourceface: Enough! I won't let you talk about Master Bang like that, and you, Charanko, should be even more angry than me, you're still his disciple.

Saitama: I don't care, let him say what he wants... I haven't come to argue, if he wants to humiliate me so much, I'm eager to face you... -He gave a defiant look...- Although... You don't seem so strong...

Lin Lin: Surely it's not... Someone as conceited as he must be trying to make up for some lack of his...

Zackos: You shouldn't talk to me like that, Lin Lin, you're the one I'm going to face in this first round and I'll mop the floor with your face and when I'm done with you, I'll follow the white-ribbon redhead, of course, if you ever make it through the round ... -He left there, going to see the fight that was taking place between the first participants...-

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