Martial Arts

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Bang: What's wrong? Can't you stand up anymore? What have you been doing here for half a year, Charanko?... You know that all my disciples train to the death, but you... I don't see you capable of learning a single technique... As of today, you are expelled from my dojo... Don't come back here...-/His tone was seriously serious./-

It was getting dark, and that could be seen by the dim orange light that entered through the windows of the dojo, Bang had challenged his only disciple to a fight as part of his training, but something was wrong with him, since this He showed no mercy even knowing the limited abilities that Charanko possessed... When the fight ended, his disciple had been left lying on the ground, with strong wounds and bruises covering his face and body, and finishing pronouncing those last words and after After Charanko had recovered a bit of strength, he left, as ordered, somewhat confused by the attitude Bang was taking... Without a fixed course, the redhead could only think of one place where he could find answers about the situation that he had just experienced, since all this did not fit him at all...

Charanko had arrived at the baldy apartment, and knocking on the door, he was attended by Genos who let him pass, meeting Saitama playing video games with King and blizzard eating some chips while he was a spectator, also, the first thing Charanko did when he entered was to tell the recent situation with their Master waiting for them a possible explanation for what happened.

Genos: So, you're trying to say that the Bang is behaving... weird?...

Charanko: He said that we would train seriously this time and he beat me up... There must be a reason why, knowing how good my Sensei is, he behaved like that... It occurred to me that you guys might know something about this.

Genus: I don't know anything.

Fubuki: I don't have the slightest idea either. -/ She said whiles he ate from her bag of potatoes /-

King: Let's continue playing when I finish speaking... -/He said pausing the game and leaving the controller aside/-

Nobody knew exactly what was happening with Bang, although now seeing the panorama, the Cyborg was able to deduce something.

Genos: Although I'm not sure, I think I can imagine the reason, it may be related to "Garou".

Charanko: The former disciple that the master expelled? Why?

Genos: So you don't know anything... The association's headquarters is looking for Garou "The Human Monster", so the Silver Fang offered to capture him. This human self-proclaimed monster caused a massacre at the headquarters , but the association wants to hide it... A fight will involve everyone who has been around Bang...

Charanko: (So Master only considers me as a nuisance?...) -/He became depressed when he reached that conclusion/-

Genos: To all this, what do you think of the situation, Saitama Sensei?.

Saitama: I've already been told something about the so-called "Hero Hunter"... If Bang offered to take care of him, I guess we shouldn't worry too much... Maybe when the situation calms down a bit, the old man will accept you again as his disciple, Chancre.

Genos: Sensei, his name is "Charanko"...

Saitama: Huh, well, whatever...

Charanko: I hope so... I think I have nothing else to do here... -/He said, as he got up and headed for the door/- Thank you for answering my questions, for now I'll just go home.. . See ya. -/ He walked out the door with nothing else to say... /-Everyone else stayed in the room watching a sad and poor Charanko walk out the door.

Saitama: Wow, it must have affected him that Bang kicked him out...

Genos: Do you plan to do something about it, Sensei?...

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