No one can do it better than you...

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A hero is usually seen as a light in the midst of darkness, someone who helps the defenseless no matter if he has to risk his life in the process, the hero is seen as someone who is selfless in his actions and does not seek salvation. fame or glory to help people in trouble... But not everyone is like that... Ever since the hero association was founded, heroes were ranked depending on their power, combat prowess, or popularity, making heroes deviate from their purpose for which they became heroes, or even, people who think that by becoming a hero they will be recognized by every great super-continent... the feeling of satisfaction at being praised by people becomes something that blinds them hero,their self-centeredness can be a weakness at the time of battle by underestimating the threat they face and not only happens with them, but also with the same monsters thinking that no one can stop them but suddenly they meet a bald man and your luck ends...

The day after Captain Mizuki was released from the hospital, she went to train at the same gym she always went to, with the goal she had set for herself, to be strong, increasing the difficulty of her training regimen, more weight, more repetitions. , more exercises, exhausting her more than necessary but driven by her strong desire she was able to finish all the exercises that an average person could not do. After having taken a shower in the gym's showers, Mizuki was putting her things in her bag when suddenly the group of Tank-toppers came through the door with their leader Tank-top Master, the first person to notice the situation. The Captain's presence was a heroine with dark blonde hair, brown eyes, wearing the characteristic Tank-top shirt and jeans with a black belt.

Tank-top girl with whom Mizuki liked the most when training with the Tank-topper army, she went straight to her to try to chat a little, she was happy to see her friend after a day of absence.

Tank-top girl: Hello, Captain Mizuki, how have you been?

Mizuki: Tank top girl! -/ Mizuki said with a smile on her face /-I've been fine, and you?

Tank-top girl: likewise -/She said, with a friendly tone/-

Mizuki: How are you doing with your new training routine? Do you feel any change? -/Very enthusiastically she asked her/-

Tank-top girl: Not really... I don't really feel a big change...

Mizuki: Don't worry, I'm sure you'll see it in time -/Trying to cheer up her friend a little/-

Tank-top girl: That's what I hope... -/ She said with a smile, but inside she knew that she hadn't been so consistent with it, although she was striving to comply and improve there was something that... She just did it. prevented... but for now I didn't want to think about it.../-Tell me, why didn't you come to train yesterday? It was weird not seeing you around here.

Mizuki: Ermm, well, you see, I was in the hospital for a while tending to some injuries from fighting with a guy and...-/At that moment she was interrupted by Tank-top Tiger who came over hearing the two girls' conversation/ -

Tank-top Tiger: She's right, she was in Z City, I was still there, when suddenly, a bald guy appeared who called himself a so-called "hero" who was just scaring people, I don't know how they got him I work for that fraud, when I was about to stop that guy, a ninja appeared interrupting me and causing destruction to the city... so, I had a long fight with him, we were almost on the same level, but that ninja was a little more cunning and he ended up defeating me but I gave him a good fight with these muscles -/ Showing off and flexing his muscles doing bodybuilder poses/-

Mizuki: (That never happened...)-/She thought somewhat strangely as to why she was changing the version of the story/-

Tank-top Tiger: I fell unconscious after that, but I guess you took care of everything or not, Captain Mizuki?

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