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Lately, the appearance of monsters has grown quite a bit in recent years, besides the fact that it is becoming more and more difficult to deal with them, it seems that they become stronger every day... Thanks to the heroes, the epidemic of these has been controlled To a certain extent, with all the heroes at their disposal, for now it is enough and more than enough to contain the threats that arise day by day, although sometimes, they can "overload" the higher-ranking heroes. 

During an afternoon in the city (X) a catastrophe occurred related to a monster made of rock that had been engulfed in magma and collected energy for over a thousand years before awakening... During that time, he witnessed how his companions , the minerals, were extracted by humans. This one was destroying everything in its path since it had held people the grudge of seeing their brothers being turned into objects for human use.



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Gigakigan: Fear me, Humans! I am the ultimate life form! The energy of the magma has awakened and become aware! I swear to my fallen comrades that I will take revenge! Exterminating the human race is my divine duty! You stupid humans... You'll turn into mincemeat with one hit!

Although Gigakigan looked like someone imposing and with great strength, that would not keep him alive for a long time, since, at the end of his monologue, he could feel how his body was compressed and torn apart in seconds, leaving only a trail of dust in the air... The cause of this was Tatsumaki, who had been contacted to exterminate the monster, since, according to the association, it looked "dangerous".

Tatsumaki: What an annoying guy...

A.w (association worker): Good job Miss Tatsumaki, no injuries as usual.

Tatsumaki: What the hell was that? I came here because you said a dangerous-looking monster had appeared. Couldn't you take care of it without my help? There are monsters that have been appearing every day, and you guys are very dependent on me... There are other professional heroes, right? They should vary a bit.

A.w: But miss Tatsumaki, they are in different places, also, their battle ability is on totally different level, so we think that you will take care of the most dangerous monsters.

Tatsumaki: I can understand that, but even though today is a holiday, I have a lot to do, so I'm too busy to be dealing with everything at the same time... If they can't stop counting on me, then I guess I can't stop. help... You all are dodgy...

The esper just left the place, she sounded annoyed... She always sounds annoyed... The association worker just stayed silent for a moment, took out his cell phone, and dialed the headquarters...

A.w: Headquarters... I have a request from Miss Tatsumaki... Tomorrow, any potentially dangerous threat assign it to any other S-class hero except her, it seems that Miss wants a day off... I think that this could become a good experiment... Very well... Goodbye... -/He said goodbye while hanging up the phone.../- If you wanted a day off, that's what you'll have, Miss Tatsumaki...

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