I want to be in the group

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Everything was back to normal... The headquarters built in the old city A had been completed in record time thanks to Metal Knight's engineering... The matter of the prophecy was already in the background for the association, now only something to do... Go shopping....

Saitama was in M ​​City, since he had seen a pamphlet with sales in the city's stores, so he had to take advantage of it as soon as possible... As always, he was accompanied by Genos and Swim, his loyal disciples, Apparently they were eating some fish-shaped loaves stuffed with sweet beans... Well, Genos pretended he was...

Genos: Master, where do we go now?

Saitama: Let me see... We already have the ingredients for the stew... I guess all that's left is toilet paper and shampoo...

As they walked, they passed by a comic shop, where, in the window, they had several collectible figurines of the S-class heroes on display... So this caught the attention of Saitama, who stayed to contemplate them for a moment.. .

Genos: Is something wrong, master?

Saitama: Look, so they make figures of you when you're famous... They even have one of you, Genos... Wow, I envy...

Swim: Would you like to have some, Saitama?

Saitama: Sure, although I think it wouldn't sell...

Swim: I would buy it and put it on my bedside table... imagine being inspired by seeing your sensei every day when you wake up.

Genos: But what a good idea... I'll contact a supplier to make a batch right now...

Saitama: (They are as cute as they are terrifying...) No, that kind of thing is not required... Let's better go for what's missing...

Genos: Got it, Sensei.

I don't know how much more they entertained, so they continued their journey in search of toilet paper and the shampoo that leaves his bald spot so shiny. Along the way, Genos could notice something...

Genos: Look, Sensei, that seems to be "King"...

Swim: Are you sure about that?

Saitama: Who are they talking about?

Genos: About "King"... he's one of the S-class heroes, he was at the A-city meeting with us.

Swim: King has the title of the strongest man... Of course, not counting you, Master.

Genos: The thing is... what is he doing here?...

They might think that maybe the association could have sent him for a mission or something, or just patrolling, but, we know that he had only come for the new installment of "Doki Doki sister 2 Limited Edition"... King kept walking for his home, but something got in his way... Apparently a large machine had gotten in his way, challenging him to a fight to collect data from the highest ranking heroes... All the civilians began to run for their lives , but, a few stayed to watch the fight when they recognized that the one who was there in the middle of the conflict was the very "King"...



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