Don't get stronger...

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It's been a while since I last saw my brother. I can still remember the day he left the dojo... It just seems like he got bored of Grandpa's teachings from one moment to the next. And, when he made the decision to leave to explore the world... My grandfather did not stop him... Even knowing that this decision would not be of any benefit to him... I think he hoped that he would return one day, repentant, as if Whatever the prodigal son was... Although... I guess he didn't live long enough to see him return... He was gone for several years... He didn't even care that he was the best student he had... He abandoned us. .. And when our grandfather fell ill... I was the only person who was by his side until the end... I still remember his last night... He seemed down and without strength... It may be normal for someone in his last moments... But... You could see how his decision had come upon him to take its toll... bringing agony beyond what he should have had... I didn't want him to leave tormented... So that I asked him to leave that burden on my shoulders... I promised him that I would return my brother to the right path... And that I could see from the beyond how the legacy of hundreds of generations would remain for a long time to come... With this action... This simple action that I had done... My grandfather seemed more relieved... He was able to leave with a faint smile... I was left alone... For too long... Perhaps... Do I blame to my brother for something?... Do I have any resentment against him?... Could it be that I have a hatred for him...? Well, no... I still love him as much as the day he left... But I can't stay without doing anything... You've had enough time to "have fun", little brother... If there's one thing I'm sure of... It's that someday your responsibilities must catch up with you... So I have a duty to fulfill... Here and now... Although it seems that it won't be by my own hand... However... I don't mind in the least...

The fight between Suiryu and Saitama had started, both were face to face, Saitama with his typical poker face and Suiryu with a smile on his face, he seemed very confident that he was still the strongest fighter of the tournament. The referee had given the signal to start.

Suiryu: Let's entertain ourselves for a while

Suiryu quickly started with a high kick straight to the head, but, he stopped it at the last moment.... It was a bit confusing for the spectators. He decided to follow up with another right kick to the face, however, stopping just an inch away from hitting him.

Suiryu: Well... Let's get started already... - He unleashed a flurry of kicks, but none of them were especially aimed at Saitama, apparently, they all went into the air around the wig-wearing baldy, with the force he used he was raising extremely violent gusts of air, raising too much dust around -

Saitama: (I was waiting to see your moves, but what are you trying to do, are you trying to take off my wig?...) - He was a little worried because of the strong wind -

Announcer: This is spectacular, Suiryu is kicking too many times but stopping them all at the last second! It looks like Charanko hasn't moved at all and he's not even trying to defend himself! Has he lost the will to fight?!

Suiryu: Hahaha, He doesn't seem to be understanding anything that's going on.... I'm just warming up... Hey, Charanko, you're strong, aren't you? - he asked quite calmly, and pointing at it with his index finger - I know because I am too.... I can see it in your eyes... You're not looking for fame and glory... You're looking for some fun...

Saitama: You may be right... - Suiryu's guess had hit the nail on the head -

Suiryu: You know, I came for the same thing, I want the prize.... That's true... But, I was hoping to meet strong opponents who could entertain me a bit. And, seeing how you humiliated my sister in such a simple way. You made me set the bar pretty high for you, you gave me a hint that I was going to leave this tournament satisfied.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06 ⏰

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