The Dark Matter Pirates II

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It was a desolate environment... Only remains could be seen of what a few moments ago was one of the most important cities in the super-continent where they lived... Hundreds of thousands of people had been exterminated in the blink of an eye so they seem to be visitors from another planet... I think humanity's first encounter with extraterrestrials didn't go so well, let's say... There was too much concern on the part of people on earth... How serious was it? the situation?...
Will we be able to get out safe and sound?...Is this the prophecy that the association had so much on?...Is this a God-level threat?...Although I think they have no reason to worry about it, since, they have a secret weapon... A secret weapon that even they don't know about... A weapon capable of defeating any threat with a single blow... A weapon that wears pajamas and a very shiny bald head... There has been no threat that has been able to face it... And if there was... humanity would have perished long ago...

They may have been able to destroy most of the city, but, there were still a few small traces of life in the middle of all the already shattered buildings, among them, a father deliberately looking for his son everywhere, managed to hear some sobs coming from under his feet where his home had been found before, from which only rubble of what was...

When he finally found him, he was in a fetal position, in a river of tears being in the middle of such a traumatizing situation, although, when the son could see how his father had found him, a momentary feeling of relief had come to the hearts. from both.

Son: Dad!

Father: We'll be fine son... Now take my hand!

His father had finally reunited with his son and at that moment he tried to comfort him by telling him that everything would be fine... But... The son looked up and found a bad surprise... He had seen that giant ship floating in the sky... And another surprise was a Kaijin who had a menacing presence.



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Melzargard: What is this? 

Looks like there are survivors...

The ship failed to kill everyone...

We do...

It's okay...

Melzargard was about to kill those survivors... He could have succeeded but Iaian was able to intervene in time, cutting off the Kaijin's limb with which he was about to attack..

Iaian: You'd better get them out of here...

Tank-top Girl: Are you sure you don't need help?

Iaian: The survivors are the priority, I can handle it myself...

Swim: But...

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