"Chapter Five"

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After heading inside and seeing the director from before, he hands me a new script and I sat at a mirror while a makeup artist was doing my makeup. Once I flipped through... my heart stopped...


I heard Chad's laughter from behind me.

"So looks like you and I are going to fall in love." He said chuckling with an smile before he puts his arm around me.

I made that threatening stare again. But I looked through and read through. And this... this has to be a joke.

But you know what? So Random hates me because I did the opposite what they wanted. Chad was right.

"If you're thinking about them. They would oppose to this. They're not your friends, Emilia."

"You know what? You're right." I said still annoyed.

As a matter of fact: I hope this rubs in Sonny's face if she saw this. If she wasn't going to listen my condition when I joined.

I pulled Chad by the necktie and dragged him.

After the scene was set, I went to the spot where the script instructed me to do.

"Alright from the top!" The director said, "Action!"


I ran through the scene, pretending to be sobbing.

"Okay, Okay... I think he's gone." I said with a relieved sigh as I bumped into Chad and fall.

"Oh! You're alright?" Chad said immediately in character.

I looked deep in his blue eyes as he charmingly smiled. He was knelt down, holding out his hand.
I didn't say a word for a moment, taking his hand and he helped me up.

"What's the problem?"


"Help me... it's Brad who thinks we're together when I don't like him in that way." I pleaded.

Chad immediately nods as he pulled me off to the side looking around for me to hide. One of the actors stomped in, huffing and puffing while I hid behind a plant prop.

"Mackenzie, hey man!"

"Hey.... Brad." Chad said, still faking a smile.

Okay... even though I'm alone with my thoughts until it's my Cue but... maybe he's not bad as I thought when it comes to acting. I thought.

"Have you seen Rose?"

"Nah, man. Who's she anyways?"

The actor stood there suspiciously looking at Chad while I pretended to stay hidden for my dear life.

"Ya know... Rose McKenna? The girl I dated but she moved away to Europe and just moved back?"

"Ooooh, That Rose!" He paused, "She went that way." Chad pointed to the opposite direction while the actor continue to shout out my stage name.

"Coast is clear, miss." Chad said to me as I came out of the prop.

"...I'm sorry to drag you into this."

Chad flipped his hair, smiling.

"I saw a woman in need of help..."

I smiled softly and held out my hand,


"Yeah, Rose McKenna. I remembered you from when we met one summer..."

"At the waterfall..." I finished his sentence as we took a step closer to each other.

Sweet Tooth || Chad Dylan Cooper x OC **On hold**Where stories live. Discover now