"Chapter Eight"

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Baking with Chad surprisingly helped.... It kinda made us bond more and get to see a different side that he hides from everyone... He was easily confused in the beginning but after some teaching, he got the hang of it.

"God this is so good..." he said with his mouth full.

I weakly smiled. Baking did also helped with my headache some but it's still throbbing. I didn't say anything, thinking... I'm still upset at myself too and not just at him.


"...I'm sorry." I finally spoke, "about... that."

He knew what I meant. He didn't say a word, letting me speak.

"I didn't meant for you to complicate your feelings for me. And cause this mess..."

Chad makes a huge grin.

"I was a jerk as well so, I'm sorry too..."

This is good... the both of us finally apologizing and continued to bond. Ironically I had So Random on, Chad's starting to slowly like the show ironically...

"You know, I am so used to being pampered and having everything made for me... given to me... but baking with you was fun. I'd like to learn more."

I slightly chuckled and nodded. I got up for a moment. Chad's been less asking me and clingy whenever I get up to do something. I went to take some meds for my headache as prescribed. I looked into the mirror once again.

I still don't get why he went out of his way to help me and babysit me. His feelings are still very obvious even if he's trying to push them aside. It's only been two days now. it's still too soon... plus: I feel bad about it.

He's Sonny's ex. I remember soon as they broke up for good: I've noticed he went back to his old ways. Even if he was being selfish about the awards. That's why I'm scared of being part of the spotlight. Fame can sometimes change you for the worst.

I leaned against the door way, quietly watching Chad while his eyes glued to the TV. I sneaked back to my room and grabbed my phone and earbuds. I put them in and went to Spotify. I put on "One More Night," by Maroon 5.

I went to the group chat with the girls.

Hey, girlies. Are you available?

I hit sent and let my phone fall out of my hands. Listening to the song.


I noticed she didn't come out of the bathroom. After commercial break, I saw she wasn't inside. I wasn't panicking and assumed she went in her room. Soon as I went upstairs and into her room, she had her eyes closed but had her earbuds in. She had her arms behind her head, her legs spread out. She's thinking... I watched in awe.

"I take a deep breath every time I pass your door
I know you're there but I can't see you anymore
And that's the reason you're in the dark
I've been a stranger ever since we fell apart."

She's definitely thinking about me... it's obvious. I cleared my throat. She didn't hear me.

"And I feel so helpless here
Watch my eyes are filled with fear.
Tell me, do you feel the same?
Hold me in your arms again."

She continued to softly sing to herself. I slowly approached. Clearing my throat again. I sat next to her and this startled her. She picked up her phone and paused and looked at me.


"Told you couldn't resist me." I said with a grin.

She groaned.

"Didn't I just reject you?" She sharply asked.

"Yeah but explain why you're listening to sappy songs alone and deep in thought?"

She didn't say anything. Looking away... I can tell this is hurting her to have feelings for me. She knows that she rejected me earlier but all it took was to bake with her and bond with her and not be at each other's throats.

I really hate to see her like this.


Two days... two days to fall in love with Chad Dylan Cooper. I'm trying to deny it and hurts it a lot to hide it. He's making it harder because his feelings are obvious too but... why?

He wasn't even pressing me about it. He saw right through me. He scoots closer moving my hair behind my earlobe.

"I hate to see you like this..."

I closed my eyes, still avoiding eye contact and shedding some tears. I felt his hand rub against my cheek, wiping my tears.

"How come you still have feelings for me when I literally snapped at you earlier?" I asked him finally.

"I can't help it. When I first ever hung out with you— I knew you were something different. But the more I got to hang out... the more I fallen for you, Emma Miller."

God this would be perfect for Mackenzie Falls right about now.

"I tried to deny it too but the feelings are there." He continued.

I opened my eyes once more, his hands are on my cheeks and his blue eyes staring into mine. He had a concerned look in his eyes.

"It just feels so... wrong." I admit looking away for a moment.

"How come?"

"You're Sonny's ex. You're rich and have everything. While I'm just some average middle class who just got to be on Mackenzie falls because of the director saw talent when I was just making a delivery..." I admit.

He moved his hand to my shoulder while his one hand remains to my cheek, rubbing.

"And that's what made me fall for you, Emma. You're different. You didn't fawn over me. You're not like the rich girls I know and hung out with." He weakly smiled.

Dang it... I bite my lower lip. My heart is racing.
Don't fall for this... don't fall for this. It could be a trick. I need a—

"Honey! We're home!"

Thank god. I got up quickly leaving Chad in my room. Even though the head rush got to me... I was glad my parents came back at the right moment.

"Everything okay, honey?"

"And what's that smell?"


Sweet Tooth || Chad Dylan Cooper x OC **On hold**Where stories live. Discover now