Chpt. 1

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   "SKKKKRRRTRRRRR" The car speeding up abruptly swerved. Almost crashing into Yoon and Mako while the fam was crossing the road. Mako and Yoon look at the driver dead in the eyes and laughed.

"Wow buddy cant believe you missed" Yoon teased, while the driver is sitting there dazed

"You wanna try again buddy orrrr???" Mako laughs, the driver was too stunned to speak.

The fam basically walked away without a care, while innocent bystanders gawked as they crossed.

"Damn I wonder what's going through that guys mind right now-" Penny wondered as they walked past Mako's house after they finished dropping him off.

"A lot of things probably, anyways are you guys free this weekend?" Yoon whined, while they walked further ahead to Aleia's house.

"I dunno I probably have more student council stuff, but ill try to make time" Aria shrugged juggling school, parents, and the council was harsh.

"What about you Laila are you busy?" Yoon turned to Laila.

"Hmmm??? I cant hear you I'm listening to something wait hold up" She took out her earbuds and stuffed them in her pocket.

"Ok what did you say? Something about being free this weekend?" She asked

Yoon sighed and asked once more"Yea, are you busy this weekend? I wanted to go to a karaoke bar this weekend"

"Oh.. Wait Hell yea! For sure I wanna come" Excited of the thought of how much fun that would be.

"How about you Aleia? You gonna be busy this weekend?" Yoon asked.

"Uhhhhh I think I'm free just gotta ask my parents" Aleia thought.

"You Aly?" Yoon asked again

"Yea I'll prob be free too unless if I gotta go to church, what time is it gonna be at?"

"Uhhh I don't have that quite planned yet..heh"  She nervously smiled.

Yall listen to this playlist while reading👇😗 (if u want obv)

Orrr listen to the song teenagers by my chemical romance : )

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