Chpt. 13

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   Once Aria texted back and they started calling for an hour or two Aria had to get of the phone because of her daily activities and her extreme studying required by her Mother, as always. She spent the next tedious hours relentlessly scrolling through her social media platforms, envying all these other girls her age for their looks. When she was younger she always wanted to be like the people around her, gorgeous. How ever as she matured she realized the great cause these feelings brought upon her self-esteem, and that it was about time for her to stop that mentality for once.

   It was about 3:00 pm when she decided it was time to freshen up and get ready for her "date". Again she had to muster up the strength to get out of the comfortable sheet's on her bed. The feeling of the wooden floor on her feet was rather cold, as she adjusted to the feeling of the warmth of her bed to the cold wooden flooring. She grabs the clothes for her "date" from the side of her bed and brings her phone along with her too. When she walks to the bathroom again her feet have to adjust to yet another cold material on her feet, tile. Once again she drapes her outfit the bathroom counter.

Time skip after the shower

   The cold air seeped into the humid after shower air as she opened the sliding glass door, taking her towel from its hanger. As the cold air spreaded, it effectively turned the warm feeling into a biting cold air. After wiping the excess water droplets from her body she secures her towel around her body making sure it wouldn't drop. She grabs a second towel to wrap her drenched hair into. Again as she steps out feeling the cold tile on her feet as she walked toward the count of her sink. Studying herself in the mirror and thoughtfully smiles at herself unintentionally. A good shower makes a good mood I guess, she still smiled to herself as she started  getting rid of the towel and slipping on her outfit.

Once she finished making touches to the outfit she heads over to her vanity desk. She takes a seat in front of her mirror as she stares back at herself in her reflection. When she snaps out of her gaze she opens her drawer to find her makeup essential's.  

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